Unofficial Auction (2)

The staff looked extravagant. It had a big stone on top of it. Not only that, but a combination of gold and red color also covered all of the staff's body.

However, for these soldiers, the extravagant appearance was not important. Functionality and power were more important. It showed when the auctioneer took out the staff. The participants' expression didn't change at all.

The auctioneer already predicted this. So, he came up and said, "Anyone of you a mage? It will be better if you are a fire mage."

Since the auctioneer was an archer, he could not use the staff. That was why he was inviting a mage to do some demonstration.

The mages among the participants began to raise their hands. However, Auron did not. 

"Let's see..." The auctioneer began to scour the raised hand.

"How about you?" Surprisingly, the auctioneer picked Auron, who didn't raise his hand.

"You are a mage, right?" The auctioneer asked Auron.