Zephyr (3)

Zephyr looked hesitant in telling Auron. Just like what he had said, even though he was impressed by Auron, but the one that genuinely made him trust Auron was Alice and General Aston's trust. Moreover, what he wanted Auron to do was way beyond Auron's strength.

Actually, Zephyr wanted Auron to ask Alice or General Aston for help. However, he could not bluntly say that. He was afraid he would hurt Auron.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Zephyr made up his mind. What he wanted Auron to do was essential for him. Moreover, Zephyr had given Auron a rare sword with a pretty good price.

Zephyr believed that with that unique green sword, the price would go over 2000 golds. So he thought that he had given a lot of discount for Auron.

"My younger sister was inflicted with some kind of deadly poison. I have brought her to a cleric. And, he said that he could help to recover my younger's sister's health. However, he could not cure the poison."