Zephyr Request (1)

Auron arrived at the Absurd's team's base camp. He was wondering about how to persuade his teammate. 

When Auron arrived, he was shocked by what he found. The base camp's condition was very different from what he had thought.

From the original 10 members excluding Auron, there were only three people left inside the base camp. It was astonishing, especially, knowing that the Absurd team's members, except Julia, rarely took a mission.

The three members left on the base camp were Smite, the team's leader, Jeffrey, the team's merchant, and, lastly, Julia. It was also astonishing to know that Julia stayed in the base camp instead of taking a mission.

Auron thought maybe the last mission really burdening Julia, and she wanted to take some break.

Auron sighed. Looking at the current number of members, it would be difficult to complete the quest. It seemed that he needed to look for outside help.