Quad Elemental Spirit King (5)

"What happened?" Gavin was still confused about what's going on right now.

Auron who already got the information, said in a normal tone, "We enter the dungeon's secret stage."

"What!! How come? I have challenged this dungeon numerous times, but this is my first time entering the secret stage. What is the trigger?"

Auron shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know since there was no information on the trigger to enter this secret stage.

"We have one hour to clear this secret stage," Auron added.

"What!! One hour? What happened if we cannot kill the boss?" Gavin asked once again to Auron.

Without any information about the secret stage's boss, Gavin didn't know whether this one hour enough or not to clear the hidden stage. Hence, he asked Auron the consequence if they failed this secret stage.