Quad Elemental Spirit King (8)

When everyone knew that their strategy worked, they became more spirited. "It is working! Keep up the good work!" Auron shouted.

Smite was observing the boss, who was overwhelmed by the attacks. He was waiting for the right time to attack the boss. However, the boss had learned his lesson. 

The boss became more careful. He reduced his attack and increased his defense. This way, it became harder for Smite to get another opportunity. 

Another five minutes passed by, without any much change into the boss' health. While dodging and blocking all the attacks, the boss also observed Smite's action. When he saw that Smite was about to take action, he moved away and escaped from Smite's magic range.

The first time the boss used this strategy, the close combat members got surprised and were not ready. They let the boss escaped and wasted their chance to reduce the boss' health.