Five Bandit Groups (3)

Auron started off by knowing his group better. He gathered his group members and introduced himself. Then, one by one, the students introduced themselves.

Of course, non of the students introduced themselves enthusiastically. They already felt hopeless when they joined this group. Only the girls that slowly got brightened.

The girl was the weakest student among the 15 students. However, she had low self-esteem, which made her unconfident with others.

In this small group, she slowly regained her confidence as she got to know the others. Besides, Auron was kind to her.

Out of the three students, only the girl didn't mind with Auron's level among the officers. However, as time passed by, the two boys slowly accepted their fate.

The introduction session lasted for 1 hour. Auron tried to blend with each of the students. So, he asked about their current situation and backgrounds in detail.