Pauper Bandit Group (4)

Inside the village's head's house, Auron was reiterating his story based on his experience. Of course, he still covered his identity by saying that he saw the young man hid the knife behind his clothes.

Then, the village's head moved to the young man. He asked the reason why the young man did that. The young man didn't want to answer and kept on silent. Meanwhile, the village's guards and the caravan's owner already barked at him furiously.

However, the young man kept silent. The guards could not help but began searching his body for a clue. The young man was obviously an outsider.

This was a small village. So, everyone inside the village knew about each other. When there was a new face, then it would be an outsider. And, this young man was unknown to the villager here.

After 5 minutes of searching, the guards could not find any clue, not even the young man's name.