Preparation (2)

Dayton asked, "Wait! You said that we will go all out, but the military would announce otherwise. Why would the higher-ups conceal the matter?"

"Are you stupid? It was obvious that the higher-ups do not want the Regalia's spies or bandits around here would create havoc." Instead of Smite, Cedric replied to Dayton's question.

"That is correct. And, to make this plan better, they will deploy the soldiers in batches." Smite added.

"And, I don't know whether we have to be happy or not. But, we will be included in the second batch out of the four batches."

"We have 2 weeks starting from tomorrow to prepare. Since the time is tight, I wish that you prepare carefully."

"Especially, for you," Smite said this sentence directly to Auron.