Arrived Back (2)

Every Auron's members were invigorated by Auron's speech. Just like what Auron had said, they had only less than one day of travel before they could reach back to their base camp. After a long week of this mission, they needed something to tone down their nervousness.

When Auron's group was about to leave, all of them heard a bustling sound from the path where they came from. All of them immediately stopped moving. Auron gave a signal for them to hide.

All of them quickly hid, only leaving Auron and the new swordsman alone. The two of them held their own weapon. Auron was currently using his swordsman character and made his mage character hid just like everyone else.

A minute later, a shadow sprung behind from behind the tree and attacked Auron, who was at the front. Auron quickly raised his sword and managed to block the attack.