Rochbeich Family (3)

"I don't mind getting nothing from this since what you offer worthed nothing in my eyes. Shelter? Favor? Without them, we can still get what we want." Smite said solemnly.

"Except, if you can offer something that worthed nearly the same value as what I asked you before."

What Smite meant was the one where he asked could he exchange the enemy's leader's life with one of the Bridge World's cities or some famous Regalia's general's head.

The enemy's leader got scared with Smite's determination. It seemed nothing could entice Smite. Because of that, his doom was near.

In the face of death, the enemy's leader became afraid and tried to save his life. He promised several things to exchange for his life. However, all of which didn't take Smite's attention.

Auron, who saw this, was surprised. He could see the change from the enemy's leader's behavior. From the arrogant one into the scared one. It was such a magnificent view.