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Under Smite's lead, Gaia's side suffered quite a big casualties compared to the original number during this war. From the original 150 soldiers, after this war, Gaia's side had only less than 50 soldiers left. It was one-third of their original number.

Although Smite had lost quite a big number, no one complained about it. The reason was that Smite had also made their enemy, Regalia, suffered bigger casualties.

Regalia had lost a strategic outpost. This way, Gaia could use this outpost as their gathering point to attack Regalia's main Bridge World cities.

Not only that but Regalia's also suffered big casualties. From the original 200 soldiers that defend the outpost, none of them survived. Moreover, Smite also killed three-fourth of the Regalia's reinforcements' soldiers. It equaled almost 150 soldiers. This means, during this war, Gaia's side had killed almost 350 of Regalia's soldiers.