Duel Invitation (1)

"8 hours," Smite murmured.

"It should not be enough. I predicted that in 3 or 4 more hours, the enemies would attack us! 5 hours the latest!" Smite declared.

When everyone heard what Smite had said, they immediately shifted their focus of attention from Auron to Smite. Then, they started to discuss the countermeasure about it.

There were only around 200 Gaia's soldiers inside the outpost. On the other hand, there were around 500 Regalia's soldiers camped outside the outpost. That was not all. Regalia's soldiers still kept on coming group by group. It was only a matter of time before the Regalia's soldiers reached one thousand.

Smite had guessed that the Regalia would amass ten thousand troops before they attacked. It took time for Regalia to gather that amount of soldiers. However, since this place was closer towards the Regalia's side, Smite had calculated that at most, it would take 5 hours for Regalia to amass that amount.