Time (2)

The blinding light blinded Auron's eyes for a brief moment. Auron closed his eyes in reflex. He also jumped backward. When Auron was closing his eyes, he felt a stinging pain on his stomach.

A moment later, Auron regained back his vision. He saw that the opponent had already in front of him and swung his sword towards him. Auron disregards his pain and instinctively raised his sword to block.

Clang... The two swords met. However, it didn't stop right there. Auron's opponent kicked Auron's stomach.

Before the kick could hit his stomach, Auron avoided the kick. Then, he turned his body around and swung his sword with all of his might. The opponent was not ready with this as his sword met with Auron's sword. He tightened his grip. However, this made his body forcefully swayed to the right.