A Debate?

After freshening himself and clearing his thoughts, Jun Meng Chen strode out of the bath to discover that he had a guest waiting outside. Quickly changing his clothes and grasping his ceremonial sword, he walked into the reception room.

Just like the rest of the courtyard, the guest reception room was completely plain, devoid of any lavish decoration or furniture except for the bare minimum. Within the middle of the wooden room sat a man reclining on a couch, feasting himself on grapes as he gazed at Jun Meng Chen.

Dressed in light purple robes, the man possessed an otherworldly handsome appearance, capable of captivating any female with his looks alone. Emanating an alluring yet evil aura, the man cheerfully waved at Jun Meng Chen, tossing a grape.

"Hey, why the dark face?" he spoke with a teasing expression, lightly smirking at Jun Meng Chen. "You seem like I've stolen your bride."

"Why don't you go steal Chun Ming's wives? They're all beauties, and he's a generous fellow, you should be fine with them, no?"

Retorted Jun Meng Chen, swatting the grape back at the violet-dressed youth with the flat of his blade. The youth nimbly pinched the incoming grape with his fingers, incinerating it with a deep violet flame.

"So? This isn't like you, Balthazar, to march into the Pavilion of Swords without bringing an entourage of guards. Who taught you not to flaunt your wealth this time?"

Without a change in expression, Jun Meng Chen slid himself into an adjacent couch, gazing at Balthazar in curiosity. That youth had always strutted before others with a full squadron of guards given by his father, and had never hesitated to flaunt his wealth. So why did he appear in his courtyard alone?

"Shut up, you! If your baggy old man of a Pavilion Head hadn't handed my ass to my father, this wouldn't have happened! I could have some sweet time with Yue'er, too!"

Balthazar fiercely complained, before suddenly stiffening. Cowering in fright at Jun Meng Chen's increasingly angry expression, he quickly adopted a pleading expression, before snatching away Jun Meng Chen's sword.

"Alright, alright, I was simply joking. I haven't touched your little sister while you were gone, I promise. Just a little kiss and fondle here and there, but I didn't-"

"…You did what with Ming Yue? I'd like to hear my good friend...repeat himself."

"T-t-that was a joke too! Don't take it seriously, it really stopped at the kissing – ah! Help! Murder in the Divine Palace! Someone is committing murder in the Divine Palace!"

Hearing Balthazar continue, Jun Meng Chen immediately coalesced divine essence into a longsword, slashing directly at Balthazar's figure. Each time Balthazar dodged, he would release a bloodcurdling screech while Jun Meng Chen completely vented his accumulated irritation over the years.

With each strike aimed towards Balthazar's clothes, the purple-dressed youth looked no different than Jun Meng Chen did just an hour ago.

In the end, Jun Meng Chen finally obtained Balthazar's confession. Of course, the contents within incited another thrashing for the poor, suffering Balthazar.


Finally obtaining his peace, Balthazar immediately revealed the reason for his presence. His words startled Jun Meng Chen, as well as engendering a strong hope.

"In a week," the purple-dressed youth spoke, no longer displaying laziness. "The Pavilions will send their respective members to search for the Ghost King's Remnants. Perhaps, just perhaps, everyone who were within the Ghost Feast when the Ghost King perished is still alive."

"Who's going?" frowned Jun Meng Chen. "Even if we're talking about the Pavilion Heads' ability, only three people can enter the Ghost Feast each shift in the seasons. How will they decide on who to dispatch?"

"A wide-scale tournament of eighty-one people. However, they're simply planning for a single battle royale, with the three remaining designated to investigate the cause."

Balthazar spoke, his eyes narrowing as he gazed directly at Jun Meng Chen. Rummaging in his sleeve pocket to withdraw a wooden plaque, he tossed it to Jun Meng Chen, directly leaving afterwards without a further word.

Examining the plaque, Jun Meng Chen could see thin inscriptions converging to form a single mustard seed. Unable to determine its purpose, he simply stored it and withdrew into the inner chambers to rest.


Jun Dong Min and five others sat around a large metallic disk similar to the one in the hidden conference room. Conversing heatedly, the six men fervently waved their arms in expression of their agitated emotions, frightening the nearby servants.

"No! I refuse to allow it. The Demon Palace will not be permitted in participating for investigating the remnants of the Ghost King." The old elder next to Jun Dong Min repeated for the umpteenth time, refusing to budge.

"Archbishop Janus of the Pavilion of Gold Reprise, do calm your emotions. It is not that the Demon Palace is inciting a civil war, we're simply asking for the youths to compete amongst themselves. There will be no immortal matured past twenty thousand years that will be permitted to participate on either side."

A middle-aged man appearing to be no more in his forties, spoke to the elderly man next to Jun Dong Min. Dressed in light purple robes, a clean-shaven face with lucid eyes, the man spoke clearly and slowly with a calm and dignified demeanor.

However, nobody dared to underestimate the unassuming appearance of the man, for underneath that gentlemanly persona hid a vast and sinister evil.

"Baal, do not dare assume that We have forgotten what happened last time. Upsetting half of the Divine Palace for your daughter, do you think that incident will pass so easily? That everyone will simply welcome you with open arms?"

This time, the man to Jun Dong Min's left spoke angrily, revealing a righteous aura. Enveloping the disk with a brilliant, golden light, everyone on the opposite of Jun Dong Ming snorted, raising their palms to release a violet glow. As the large disk glowed with a mix of the two colors, the six men glared at each other, each bristling with a pent-up frustration.

"Hmph! Chun De, did you forget that it was your so-called Holy Son that attempted to molest Brother Baal's daughter!? Dare circumvent the blame, and we'll declare a real war! Let's see if your Divine Palace is as powerful as you claim!"

The man to the left of Baal slapped the table with a fierce snort, before ruthlessly picking at Pavilion Head Chun. As Chun De bristled in anger, Baal revealed a thin smile, before standing up.

"Brother Bai, I do appreciate your sentiment. However, let's not have a war just yet. The Ghost King's matter is of the greatest importance."

He spoke, turning to Jun Dong Min. Extending his hand, he spoke clearly, yet his words caused a chill to flow down Jun Dong Min and the other's backs.

"I suppose Pavilion Head Jun would likely desire to break this deadlock. How about this proposal? Let us have a , and the winning side will determine whether the Demon Palace can also participate in the search for the Ghost King's Remnants."

Looking at the outstretched hand, Jun Dong Min hesitated. Turning to discover that both Chun De and Archbishop Janus were itching to tear at the Demon Palace's representatives and unwilling to listen to persuasion, he could only release a sigh.

Extending his hand in resigned agreement, Jun Dong Min lamented about how the responsibility of failure would fall onto his shoulders.

"Let us resolve it in this way then." He spoke, his shoulders drooping. "A it is. Hopefully, there are no additional conditions or rewards."

"No, no, how could I add any further conditions?" chuckled Baal, sitting down with a smile. "Then, Brother Julian, I'll be relying on you to begin."

"Got it. I'll start with [Confusion]."

The man to Baal's right softly spoke, his voice ringing like wind chimes in everyone's ears. No sooner had he finished speaking did the character for 'Confusion' in the Divine Script rend itself before Jun Dong Min's group.

The moment the character finished forming, Jun Dong Min, Archbishop Janus, and Chun De immediately swayed, their minds ringing. Unable to form a single coherent thought, Jun Dong Min could only blink rapidly, staring at the disk in befuddlement.

"[Negate]. [Distort]."

Archbishop Janus was first to recover, slamming his palm onto the disk as he spoke. First negating their mental disorientation, he then launched his own offensive. Baal gazed at the 'Distort' character in amusement.

"Archbishop, just what were you intending to do with such an broad word?" He drily remarked, before gently tapping the table. "[Distort] would be an excellent choice if used in retaliation, but how could it function in conjunction with [Negate]? This one shall respond. [Bestow nihility]."

"Brother Baal. I shall take the initiative this time! [Conflagrate the soul]!"

The man to the left of Baal also thrust out his palm, speaking in a cold tone. Hearing his choice, Jun Dong Min couldn't help but shiver. The 'Distort' issued by Archbishop Janus was removed without a single trace, causing his expression to darken.

Before he could express his anger, each of the three men could feel a scorching sensation envelop their soul. Gazing at each other, Jun Dong Min could see his apprehension reflected in their eyes; if their soul was burned by the Divine Script, it would be exceedingly difficult to recover!

"[Neutralize]." Jun Dong Min spoke with gritted teeth, unwilling to voice his pain. Glaring at Baal as the pain receded and the conflagration disintegrated, he slapped the disk. "[Consecrate evil]!"

"Oh?" Baal nodded with approval, unfazed by the heart-wrenching sensation of reversing his construct. "Reversing the integral component of our immortal constructs is a wise and effective move, unlike that of our Archbishop here. Brother Julian, how about we equalize the field?"

"Then, [Besmirch, envelop darkness]!"

As Julian tapped onto the disk, the same, unbearable sensation was felt by both parties as they gazed at each other. The golden and violet lights emanating from their bodies had reversed, and Jun Dong Min could feel evil and sinister thoughts begin to swamp his consciousness.

Chun De was the first from their group to cave in, his previously divine aura fully replaced with an evil attribute. Radiating a dark violet light, he roared hoarsely as he slapped the disk.

"Attempting to end this debate so quickly? [Shackle, enslave]!"

"[Rebel, conspire]."

"As if that would do anything! [Befall, tribulation]."

"I say, old religious man, you need improvement on your techniques. [Fall into corruption]."

"[Bind, subjugate]!"

"Hehe," chuckled Bai Feng, ignoring the painful shackles binding half of his body, unbothered by half of his body remaining unusable. "[Descend into madness]."

"Hmph! The Demon Palace is truly annoying as usual, constantly aiming for mental disruption. Makes this old man wonder why he even allowed his construct to disseminate throughout the Immortal Realm! [Deprive the mind, body, and soul]!"

Hearing Archbishop Janus's words, everyone sitting before the disk paled in fear. The longer the command issued in the Divine Script, the more difficult it was to iterate, and even more so to counter. Bai Feng and Julian gazed at each other, before placing their palms on Baal's shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, the three spoke at once, their voices merging to form a discordant and horrifying harmony.

"[Disintegrate the soul, cast down from immortality. Brand thyself a mortal, and depart from the Immortal Realm]!"

Jun Dong Min and the others stiffened in terror, gazing at Baal, Bai Feng, and Julian with a deep-rooted fear. They knew, that it was virtually impossible to counteract such an overbearing statement.

Neither Archbishop Janus nor Chun De could merge their will with Jun Dong Min to form an adequate rebuttal; compared to the Demon Palace's cohesiveness, the Divine Palace was always locked in internal strife and competition. They simply couldn't compete in a !

"We concede." Jun Dong Min sighed heavily, appearing as if he had aged a few years. "The Demon Palace may participate in the investigation."

The moment Jun Dong Min issued a surrender, the characters in the Divine Script vanished, and all imposed effects disappeared, although recollection of experienced sensations remained. Rubbing his arm and attempting to forget the ice-cold experience of losing all of his strength and divine essence, Jun Dong Min could not hide a grimace.

Everyone had unpleasant expressions, no longer having to maintain a strong front. Chun De even exposed his chest to check for any burn scars.

"Pavilion Head Jun, there is no need for the despondent expression." Baal spoke, his countenance slightly pale. "The Demon Palace as already selected our three contestants. How about this? The Divine Palace can maintain the original competition scheme, the finalists will simply match against our contestants to determine the final ones to enter."

Hearing Baal's freely spoken words, Jun Dong Min could only sigh once more. Demon Palace, what a good Demon Palace.