Golden Tail Mall

Autumn slowly gave way to winter. The chilly temperature increasingly became cold, and periodic drifts of snow struck Nan Qing, gently washing the buildings and roads with a thin sheen of white.

And just two weeks after winter had creeped in, Blue Rose University was mired in another furor, the students crying out in a great panic. Early winter, in the hearts of the Blue Rose University students, represented mid-year examinations and a massive increase in their academic workload.

A great foe, one that merely granted a few months of respite before striking once more.

With each passing day, more students frequented the libraries, cramming as much knowledge their logged brains could possibly handle. Some sacrificed their precious time allocated to sleep, just to initiate another futile attempt to memorize an additional statement or scrap of information.

Li Mo Shang was indeed a part of this reclusive group, although for a completely different reason.

With such a cheat advantage such as the engraving the information directly onto his soul, Li Mo Shang was completely free of worries regarding the examinations. Rather, his time was increasingly spent on plundering the knowledge of the advanced studies library, having made little progress in his conquest. He estimated that this entire month of plundering had completed about a tenth of the entire collection.

Each terminal could easily possess a significant proportion of the knowledge archived in the general studies library, and a simple observation dully informed him of at least a few million of similar terminals. Though the unceasingly divulged information of various fields and depths, Li Mo Shang didn't have enough time to consolidate it. Far too little time had passed in between each session to allow Li Mo Shang to filter through the acquired information, only able to allow it to gradually settle.

Just merely a month had passed since he had begun to plunder, and his mind felt completely bleary, severe bouts of fatigue viciously striking him at his weakest moments. In addition, he had not tarried in tempering his bones, attempting the cleansing process each week.

Just yesterday, he had finished tempering his legs, leaving just his torso and back for completion. Though his mind consistently protested in exhaustion, being strained and ground to dust each day, his body felt incomparably refreshed.

Sitting in the lecture one class, Li Mo Shang criticized himself for the last time, sternly commanding himself to take a break until he had recovered. If this situation were to continue for much longer, Li Mo Shang wouldn't be able to accomplish much even with his ridiculous advantage.

Lightly drumming the pen onto the desk, Li Mo Shang twitched his eyebrows, dividing his attention between the speaking professor and the spiritual core.

"The general theory behind direct mass-to-energy conversion is to achieve an instantaneous thermal expansion, chain reaction that pressurizes the particles to not only collapse onto each other, but also tear themselves apart," the professor droned, manipulating the large hologram projector to display a simulated process whilst explaining.

Walking around and tapping on various areas with his hand, the middle-aged man continued his explanation, the students in the lecture hall madly transcribing his words.

"Our university's particle research division has indeed pursued this topic with great interest, seeking to achieve such a theoretical result through linear acceleration of particles and elementary, singular-divisor materials. Remember this well. Once the fusion process initializes, nothing can halt or delay its progress, nor do ordinary laws of physics apply…"

His mind partly processing the professor's words before a wide collection of information surfaced in his mind pertaining to the specific topic, Li Mo Shang struggled to contain a yawn as another wave of fatigue settled in. Flashbacks, images documenting previous experiments, treatises, abstracts, Li Mo Shang's mind toiled to process the increasing number of coinciding information colliding against his thoughts, causing him to stare blankly for a brief moment from the overload.

Barely managing to command his spiritual core to suppress the plundered knowledge, Li Mo Shang stiffly cleared his mind, riveting his gaze upon the core's surface. Enrapturing himself in the various engravings decorating the spiritual core, Li Mo Shang barely managed to retain stability under the tumulus waves of stray thoughts, raw plundered information, and his increasing fatigue.

Without conscious effort supporting his body's movements, Li Mo Shang slowly sank onto the desk, his head deeply nestled into his arms, light sounds of breathing barely audible. This time however, Li Zhen Yue lacked the effort or motivation to send odd looks towards Li Mo Shang these few weeks towards his behavior; she similarly had heavy bags around her eyes.

Rather, practically every student in the room suffered from like symptoms, the only 'survivors' being those who had given up.

"Potentially, this theory's success could usher in a new era of technology and scientific research. Perhaps, even space explora-"


The bell sounding the conclusion of the lecture released a shrill cry, rattling every student in the auditorium awake. Observing such a spectacle, the professor lightly sighed, faint disappointment concealed within his astute eyes as he secretly examined each student.

"…Only a month in, and these students can hardly keep up. This year's freshmen are far too below standard, far too below standard…"

While the professor quietly mused to himself, the students were actively packing their bags to rush towards the cafeteria. Following suit, Li Mo Shang carefully placed away his untouched notebook, stretching his body.

All around him, snippets of conversation drifted into his ears as the students loudly expressed their pent-up frustrations.

"Only halfway in, and I feel like dying…the mid-year examinations sure are tough."

"Senior Brother, don't give hope! It's probably just because of the new professor. The constant droning and explanations just make you want to sleep…"

"Little Yan, why are you depressed? Your goddess, Professor Wan, not being here making you lovesick?"

"H-how can that be!? It's just that she…explains things in a much more interesting and comprehensible fashion."

"That's true. Listening to a beauty speak and explain something is much better than that of an old man."

"In the end, Junior Sister, Junior Brother, you just want Professor Wan back?"

"How can that be true!?"

"How can that be true!?"

"…Mo Shang. Li Mo Shang!"

In the midst of the buzzing conversation, a sharp yet muted voice pierced through all others, directly snapping Li Mo Shang from his daze. Turning towards the source, he saw Li Zhen Yue amongst her friends near the exit, gesturing for him to come closer.

A hint of confusion displayed on his handsome face, Li Mo Shang approached while carrying his bag.

Li Zhen Yue directly spoke: "We're planning on a shopping trip tonight. Do you want to come along?"


Li Mo Shang reflexively asked, directly raising an eyebrow. Behind her, Li Zhen Yue's friends released a light chuckle, one of them stepping forward, her tone excited and jovial despite her clearly fatigued appearance.

"Why not? Everyone needs a break once in a while, with the coursework being dumped upon us at such an alarming rate, we would need an avenue to relax! Otherwise, we won't be able to get anywhere."

"That's right, that's right!" a male student joined in, "Besides, Golden Tail Mall is reopening today, we've got to take advantage of their reopening sales!"

"Cheapskate!" Li Zhen Yue fiercely retorted, her countenance slowly reviving. "Even with your prestigious family background, you're unwilling to spend a single coin?"

"Of course!" the youth adamantly defended himself, his expression embodying that of a righteous person before slowly deflating. "Of course I want to spend it. But when do I get the chance to?"

Turning to Li Mo Shang, he energetically spoke, his hands waving in all directions.

"This brother here, come along! We've been calling all of our dormmates onto these excursions since a week ago, you must have been quite lonely by yourself then. Besides, who can actually tolerate that man's preaching without going insane?"

"A week ago…why not? When do you want to leave?"

Li Mo Shang responded, his question regarding the emptiness of the commons finally answered. It had turned out that Wang Xing and the rest were partaking on these 'trips' to relieve stress from the increased workload whilst he was at Wan Shou.

Deciding to indulge himself this time, Li Mo Shang agreed to the youth's proposal, causing Li Zhen Yue's group to burst into another round of excited chatter.

"Alright, then we'll meet outside the gates at seven in the evening. Everyone, make sure to bring your money!"

The male youth slapped his bag while adopting a serious expression, the nearby students breaking off into laughter from his act of self-mockery. Wallowing in rambunctious laughter, the group parted ways after exchanging contact information, each heading off the complete the day's tasks to indulge themselves later in the evening.

Li Mo Shang stared at the fifteen-odd new communication addresses inputted into his terminal for a while, before heading towards the dorm to get a light nap.


At seven, Li Mo Shang showed up before the entrance of the Blue Rose University, dressed in a light black cloth coat and denim pants, electing a rather plain but comfortable outfit. Upon arriving, he noticed a rather large crowd loitering around, spotting several familiar faces within.

With a single glance, he could determine that everyone else was indeed dressed in a similar fashion, not a single Blue Rose University uniform to be found. Noticing a sudden addition to their group, Li Zhen Yue's eyes roamed around until she found Li Mo Shang's figure, quickly sauntering over while towing a girl in hand.

When Li Mo Shang recognized her face, his eyebrows couldn't help but shoot towards the sky. Sleek, glossy black hair cascading to her waist, small ears, and a partly embarrassed yet mischievous glint dancing in her eyes, the girl glanced shyly at Li Mo Shang. As neither Su Yuan'er nor Li Mo Shang said anything, Li Zhen Yue lightly coughed before shoving Su Yuan'er towards Li Mo Shang, awkwardly speaking.

"Hurry up and take your girl, let's go!"

"Let's go! We're not returning until everyone's bought something!"


Suddenly thrown a rather large package his way, Li Mo Shang could only stand still as Su Yuan'er rammed into his chest, rubbing her nose with a sore expression. Having dusted her hands clean of her task, Li Zhen Yue winked at Li Mo Shang before darting back into the group, the cluster of students beginning to migrate towards the western sector of the city.

Staring wordlessly at each other as they walked within the fringes of the group, both Su Yuan'er and Li Mo Shang continued the stifling silence until Su Yuan'er stepped forward to grasp his left hand with her right. Flushing heavily, she quickly reassured the curious Li Mo Shang, energetically waving her free arm.

"Just an insurance, just an insurance!" she quickly spoke, cheeks dyed a light scarlet with embarrassment. "After all…you agreed."

"…Alright then."

Li Mo Shang replied numbly, an unknown emotion welling within him, threatening to disrupt the fragile threads supporting his psyche with its unique fluctuations. It was akin to a weird pulse within his chest, incurring a surge of uncomfortableness and nervousness, greatly alarming Li Mo Shang.

Quickly calling on the spiritual core, Li Mo Shang manipulated a strand of spiritual qi to thoroughly stabilize his mind once more, quelling the unceasing whispers of the accumulated, yet-to-be assimilated cluster of information. Although, he soon found the task to be rather precarious, the warmth grasped within his hand a constant reminder.

However, he managed to tame the odd urges into submission with repeated attempts, returning his emotional state to a calm nihility.

Suddenly, gasps of surprise rang throughout the gaggle of students, and the entire group came to a stop, gazing at the entrance of the western sector of Blue Rose City.