
Alright before chapter i'm going to cover what happened this past week.

So, usually the end of the month gets really busy work-wise, rarely will i have to work over time to catch up. So this past week which was the end of the month, about half a dozen things went wrong all at once which caused some cataclysmic failures on several ends. Work that had been completed days before was missing or deleted. Everyone was playing catch up and i was working some ridiculous hours and even work through the weekend.

I seriously had so little sleep throughout the week i could barely get a hundred words in a night. And to top it all off, i lost that work when i just now sat down to finish the chapter. I forgot to save it and my computer did some updates and reset. Couldn't find it in my recovery folder either.

Also i would like to say that my catch up for work is not completely finished, i did also work overtime today and will probably do so the next couple days but its not nearly as bad so i will probably be able to put the chapters out on time. If theres a delay or something assume that its because of work.

I'm really sorry for this, it just happened so suddenly and i couldn't do anything about it. I don't like putting out non-chapters that just say that theres not chapter, no body likes that and it just feels bad. For now on if there's an odd delay or something, check the comments on the most recent chapter i'll most likely put an update there.


Alex walked into a rather large room, it looked something straight out of a sci-fi novel.

There was a control station and various monitors around the area. At the 'helm' was the principal of the school a weird mix between a bear and a mouse. He was surprisingly fun to be around.

It was where the teachers would operate the intro test.

He had come to the school a few times already, in tow with his 'baby sitters'.

Alex met most of the staff at this point, he had nothing bad to say about them, it seemed that beyond their 'quirks', not their powers but their personalities, they truly cared about what they were doing and tried to do their best.

So when he walked into the room he received a moderate nod of acknowledgement. Most in the room knew ab out his current situation, though if they believed it or not was up in the air.

Yes, Alex didn't have an issue with any of the staff...minus one person in particular.

He could feel her eyes on him as soon as he walked into the room.

A shiver ran down his spine.

A certain hero that went by the name of Midnight.

Her costume is that of a dominatrix, she is referred to as an 18+ hero.

And Alex made the mistake of offhandedly mentioning that he was old enough to be her Grandfather in a random conversation.

She 'requested' to know the secret to his youth.

Favors of the sexual variety were thrown out, very aggressively.

The fact that he mentioned having already been taken did not persuade but had her taking that as a challenge.

He would just ignore her for now, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of getting embarrassed.

"So how exactly does this 'test' work?" Alex asked to no one in particular.

"Basically we set them loose in a mock city with various robots that are acting as mock villians. Different robots corresponding to a different point amount and 'defeating' the villain awards that many points. There's also a gigantic robot that will go around and cause all kinda of trouble but is worth zero points." Eraser Head lazily explained.

"And I'm assuming there's more to this test than that?" Alex asked.

"The giant robot is basically intended to cause trouble for the participants so they may be forced into situations where they either perform a heroic action or serve their own self interest. Participants are awarded a secret points for such actions." He explained again.

"Do you guys not care about quirks that aren't combat-centric?" Alex asked.

"Unfortunately, we mainly look for those flashy ones that can be used to fight off various villians. We don't have complete free rein to do how we please otherwise I would love to have more classes dedicated to those who qualify as heroes but couldn't pass the entrance test due to their quirk being less combative." Principal Nezu answered.

The principal sighed after explaining.

"We actually had a young lad a few years back who had an interesting quirk that could empower nearby allies, but he couldn't get any points due to the nature of the test and the board of directors wouldn't accept my reasoning to push him through." Nezu said with obvious annoyance.

"Politics, shitty no matter where you go." Alex stated.

"Speaking from experience?" Nezu asked in interest.

"Oh, the stories I could tell." Alex replied with a small smile.

At that moment the door opened again as they were joined by the final teacher. All Might walked into the room, giving a nod to all present.

The hero went and stood by Alex as they both stared at a few of the large monitors that were watching the test takers.

"See any good seeds?" All Might asked.

" I like that one who can control their shadow, it looks like he has combat experience outside of spars or a controlled environment like a dojo." Alex stated, he had done a once over on quite a few of the files they had on the kids participating, but seeing them in 'person' put a different perspective on it.

"Also, that girl who can adjust the gravity on things she touches, that's a very potent ability with a wide range of applications. Though from the looks of it she lacks any kind of training, some type of martial arts would do her good." Alex finished.

"Hoh, that sounds interesting. Maybe some type of grappling. If she could get in close and personal and touch a few parts of a person, or even something like their shoes, she could take them by surprise by forcing them awkwardly in the air and allow her to finish the fight without much trouble." Eraser Head added in.

They continued to discuss various quirks and their possible applications while the kids were going through the rules and the written portion of the test.

It didn't take long for the physical part to begin.

The kids were all lined up at the start of the makeshift city.

Alex and a few others were keeping an eye on a certain green haired brat. One who had been nervous throughout the entire ordeal so far.

All Might was the most worried, this wasn't something he could interfere with. It was a challenge the boy must overcome by himself and prove his potential to those who didn't know he took up All Might's mantle.

The hero was taking a bit of a risk, Midoriya hadn't had any noteworthy practice with the quirk yet he was being thrown to the wolves.

Alex couldn't help but cringe a bit as the boy couldn't rack up any points against any of the robotic villians that were present. The scared look on his face said it all.

The time was counting down, yet his score stood at zero, Even All might held his head in disappointment.

That was until the 0-point robot made itself known.

It burst through several buildings and all the would-be heroes began to flee, except for a young lady that was stuck under some debris.

A smile finally came to those watching the boy as without a second thought he rushed towards the scene and used his quirk to demolish the robot.

Though he hurt himself in the process, he managed to save the girl from 'certain doom'.

"This is going to be an interesting year." Principal Nezu said as he took a sip of his tea.

"Indeed, it is." All Might stated.


As the entrance test had concluded, it would take a few days for the letters of congratulations to be delivered to those who passed.

In the mean time, the teachers were going over their would-be class lists and building up lesson plans. The days passed relatively quickly as many were excited to begin the new year.

"So I'm going to be your teaching assistant?" Alex asked.

"It appears so." Eraser Head replied.

"Anything you want to cover with me before we finally meet the class?" Alex asked again.

"I'm mostly going to wing it." The man replied.

"Alright, last question; are you really going to appear in a sleeping bag?" Alex asked once again.

"…..don't question my teaching methods." He stated.

The door to the classroom slid open.

A few students were standing up, others were sitting down and some were arguing, but all of them stopped what they were doing to watch this grown man waddle into the classroom as he was fully zipped up in a sleeping bag.

"It took you lot too long to settle down." Eraser head said as he unzipped himself and stood before them.

Alex walked in behind him, various eyes staring at him as well.

Eraser head reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out over a dozen uniforms and threw them at the students.

"Put these on, were going to do a practical test."

There were changing rooms nearby as the kids took a few minutes to put the gym cloths on and followed the teachers out onto the P.E. Fields.

Alex looked on, he didn't actually want to interrupt the 'leacture' if he didn't have anything note worthy to add, he was fine taking a back seat.

The hero was setting up the kids to get used to using their quirks by mimicking activities they did in middle school.

They weren't allowed to use their quirks in public, and in school it was against the rules so it was a bit understandable that they were a little excited...

When one of the students, Bakugo, demonstrated throwing a soft ball with the use of his explosion quirk, the kids suddenly broke out in chatter.

"AWSOME, THIS LOOKS LIKE SO MUCH FUN" One of them blurted out.

Alex couldn't help but wince when he heard that.

And by the looks of it, Eraser Head also heard the statement.

"Looks fun you say?" The teacher said to no one in particular.

"So you lot were just planning on spending the next three years having a good ol' time, is that it?"

"Alright...if that's the case then a new rule, the one who scores the lowest…..is instantly expelled." He finished as he stared at them ominously.

As the kids began to set off into position for certain events, Alex walked over towards Eraser Head.

"You got a problem?" The teacher asked him.

"Do you think I came over to say something to calm you down?" Alex asked in return.

"You seem like the type that would tell me I'm being too harsh." He replied.

Alex just snorted in response.

"When I started learning swordsmanship, I got a new teacher. At the first lesson I made a comment about how much fun it was going to be." Alex said.

The hero raised an eyebrow.

"At the end of the first session, one of us had fun the other was on the floor crying, can you guess who was who?"

"I learned the lesson you're trying to teach the hard way." Alex stated.

"Forcing them to take the training seriously from the start. It's not a game and their extended lives are heavily based on the effort they put into training." He finished.

"And here I thought you were just a pampered prince." The man replied a small smirk on his face.

"I'm curious how they will push themselves now that you lit a fire under them." Alex stated.

"Hopefully they'll try to use their quirks in ways they hadn't thought about before." Eraser Head commented.

"I have a strange feeling that you are actually a big softie at heart." Alex said, eyes narrowed.

The teacher snorted, " Tell that to last years class that I kicked out." He said with a small chuckle.