In a few short weeks, so much had happened. Thanksgiving came and went, Aunt May was sent to the Hospital, I was able to crack the code for the Oz Formula, and my prototype armor was completed, improved, and production has started.
Today was the day I became the Goblin. With the death of Norman coming up, I need to be prepared for anything that will happen.
Walking through the Oscorp testing facility, I watch the armors get put through the ringer. We professional soldiers wear the armor to test and see if they were able to be used by the average soldier. We had them go through a combat simulation to test its durability, how comfortable it is, and how usable it is on the field. So far it has been able to withstand a bullet used to kill elephants. Those bullets are about half the size of my forearm. The wearer of the armor was able to take the shot and all it did was bruise him slightly and knock him back a little bit.
"Well, it looks like my Idea was a success!" I smile as I walk around.
"Sir, this new Material is miraculous! It is stronger, lighter, and cheaper than Titanium! All of these armors would have cost us almost ten times as much had we used almost any other metal."
"That is great news Doc, if we can convince the army to buy this instead of focusing on the serum, we could make four times the projected profit!"
Walking around one last time, I head to the now abandoned Serum Chamber that Green Goblin used at the beginning of the movie. After Stromm was killed, the room was shut down from further use for the police investigation, but afterwards… it simply never reopened.
At least, until now.
Entering the room, I activate the computer terminal and put in my personal override code. Activating the machine, I put the now completed and perfected Oz Formula into it so it can turn it into gaseous form so I can inhale it.
Drinking the catalyst, I strap myself to the table, slowly the table I was strapped on went into the chamber and set me upright.
"Computer. Gas the Chamber." I say
As soon as I say that, I watch as the serum slowly starts filling the chamber, slowly reaching my mouth and nose.
Taking a deep breath of the gassed serum I immediately feel a change occurring. Immediately a burning sensation started in my chest, flowing through my veins and encompassing my entire body. Muscles felt like they were expanding, yet also compacting. My organs felt like they were on fire, burning and changing.
Everything hurt.
I was convulsing in pain as every muscle in my body grew stronger and denser and every organ quickly growing to become more powerful and becoming super humanly healthy.
What felt like hours later (It was probably only minutes), it finally stopped.
"*pant pant* Computer… Ventilate chamber…"
On the bright side, I am not crazy and killing people. On the down side, I am exhausted.
Stepping out of the chamber, I nearly collapse. Dang, how the hell did Norman just jump out of the chamber and kill Stromm with a possessed appearance. I feel like I just ran a dozen Triathalons…
Finally making my way to the limo, I slide in and ask Bernard (Our Butler) to drive me home.
"Busy day sir?"
"Something like that Bernie… Something like that."
After a good night's sleep and a cup of coffee, I felt spectacular. The serum seems to have increased my muscle mass as before the serum I was in shape. Not quite Captain America, but I was no pre serum steve. Now though I was ripped. The serum didn't make me super buff, but it seemed to cause my bones and muscle to gain density to where I looked like a professional swimmer or something.
My IQ also expanded exponentially. Where before I had troubles making everything work on my suit and adjusting the helmet so it would work right, I now understood the issues to a greater extent and I seem to be capable of coming up with absolutely insane ideas that could actually fix the problems.
So right now I am back in my workshop working on modifying the armor I got to fit my own designs. I already have the helmet made; all I have left is perfecting the body.
And finishing the Glider, but that can wait for later.
The Helmet is a masterpiece, It looks like Dafoe's mask from Spider-man, but it has a metallic sheen and is made from the same material as the armor, Adamantine. Instead of the mouth and the eye's being retractable, showing my own eyes and mouth, I came up with a slightly different approach. Instead of going like Dafoe's Mask, my mask can split open at the jaw, revealing my face. The jaw line will split and the upper half of the mask will rise till the teeth of the upper half are on my forehead. Now that I think of it, it reminds me of how Venom appears when Eddie wants to talk face to face.
The eyes are connected to my computers in my workshop and the various Police frequencies around New York, showing me exactly where there is trouble and the level of severity. It can scan a person and my personal facial recognition software will pull up files on the person and tell me anything I need to know, such as whether they have ties to any gang bosses or terrorists. The mouth of the mask has a slight voice changer, making my voice go from my usual smooth baritone to a slightly deeper gravelly voice. Think batman but with a slightly higher pitch.
The Armor in itself is rather impressive; capable of taking a beating, it has a variety of defenses and weaponry by itself without the addition of Pumpkin Bombs and Razorbats. The hands of the suit has little, retractable, razor sharp claws, similar to Black Panther, made of Adamantine. The wrist gauntlets have a variety of weapons, stuff like darts filled with a knockout toxin and poison, trackers that can be shot out to attach to an opponent and a small handheld blade that can detach from the fore arm of the suit should the claws prove ineffective. The suit itself is insulated against a variety of attacks. It is insulated against heat, cold, radiation and electric attacks making it incredible useful against foes like Electro, Pyro, or even Ice Man. Blunt trauma is protected against because of the Adamantine in the armor and padding lining the inside of the suit, I could probably take a punch from the Thing without much more than a bruise. Another important part is I now have my own Utility belt, with Razor Bats, a few gadgets, and a variety of other stuff that would take all day to list out.
But the best part? The armor is non-ferrous, meaning Magneto can't control it! Hopefully I will never have to test it, but I am honestly not sure if the X-Men exist in this universe or not. Considering that the Spider-man trilogy is in the MCU right now, the possibility of an X-Men team is very real.
I should probably look into that...
After the suit, my weapons are my favorite part. I've been thinking on it for a while and I decided to keep a lot of the Green Goblins weaponry as my own. Razor Bats, Pumpkin Bombs, etc. will still be a big part of my arsenal, but I am hoping to add a few other things as well, possibly make a few trick Razor Bats or Pumpkin Bombs that release a knockout gas after throwing it. So far I have created some prototype trick Razor Bats, some can explode three seconds after contact, so if I wanted to hurt someone I could throw it into a wall next to a person and have it explode, I have one that produces an electric shock on contact, and one that can release a knockout gas. I'm thinking of scrapping the last one considering I already have a pumpkin bomb that does that, but it could be useful for the element of surprise.
Finishing up the suit, I stand back in wonder, it was a beauty…
Thank goodness I changed the color and removed the Oscorp brand from the suit, I don't want Oscorp in any way connected to the Goblin. Hopefully I can keep it a slight secret for a while.
For each of the different branches of the military, Oscorp altered the armor slightly to better suit that branches needs. The Air Force was the same color as their standard jumpsuits and was designed to withstand high pressure while still being comfortable to the wearer. The mask was designed to look like a standard mask like the air force uses, the only difference is it has its own oxygen supply capable of lasting up to two hours, anymore and the suit would have been too awkward. It also has its own personal parachute, all you need to do is press a button on your forefinger, similar to how Ant-Man shrinks.
The Army's is a sandy color with a camouflage pattern all over it, it was designed to not only keep the wearer cool, but also keep them protected. Its mask has night vision built in and a filter for the mouth, making sure no sand gets in.
The Navy's is a blue and grey camouflage design with specific underwater tactical gear should the need arise. With two hours of air, it is designed to withstand the pressure of up to 400 feet below the surface all the while keeping them comfortable at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Their masks have thermal imaging, so they can see under water and at night.
My suit however is a sort of dirty green with grey highlights on the sides and edges, with the utility belt and the claws and weapons on the gauntlet, it should pose a different look than what is shown in the US Military.
Combine that with my Goblin themed helmet, it should be unrecognizable.
Hey, if Superman can pass with a pair of glasses, this should pass easily.
Just as I was about to get busy working on a new design for the glider, my police scanner went off.
Looking at it, I scan the report.
"Oh no… Not now, not now!"
Putting on my suit and tossing the helmet on, I grab Norman's spare Glider and fly out the window.
The police report?
Spider-Man and the Green Goblin were fighting at the Brooklyn bridge, School children in trouble.
This was the night that the Green Goblin died.
This was the night that The Goblin was born.
Flying to Brooklyn Bridge was rather simple; the hard part was seeing Spider-Man holding the boat load of kids with one hand and his web with the other. He looked like he was struggling with all his might to hold it up.
Flying down there, I cut the cable with my claws while grabbing it with my other hand, flying it to safety.
"WHAT!!!" the Green Goblin yelled. "WHO DARES!?!?!"
Setting the kids down on the bridge and ripping the door off the trolley, I hop back on my glider and fly up to meet him face to face.
"Hey Greenie. I dare." I say with a growl.
"Who the hell do you think you are!?! You impersonator!"
"I was going to go original, but I figured I might as well bring some good to the Goblin name, You can call me the Goblin."
I could almost see his eyes narrow in anger at me.
"Fine. Let's see who is best, the original or the imposter?" he growls as he divebombs me.
Ducking out of the way I start playing cat and mouse with him, keeping his attention while spiderman makes sure Mary Jane and the kids were safe.
Web suddenly smacked into Green Goblins face as Spider-Man swings up and lands on the top of the bridge.
"Hey Gobbie, looks like you have an admirer!" he quips as he throws a few more webs at him.
"Hey, you know what they say Spiderman, Imitation is the best form of flattery!" I say as I throw a few razor bats at him.
After ripping the webbing off his face and blocking my Razor Bats, he threw a bomb at me. Now normally I would have done something like block it or fly off, but I thought it was going to hit me, my suit could have handled it.
Except he wasn't aiming at me, he was aiming at the people behind me.
Seeing the bomb fly by me, I turn and see the group of civilians standing right in its way.
"NOOO!!" I yell as I fly to intercept it.
Spider-Man must have thought I had it, because he didn't run after it.
Standing on my glider facing the crowd, I take the brunt of the blast on my back.
"Everyone! Get somewhere safe, Green Goblin will try to hurt you!"
"Who the hell are you and why should we listen to a guy who looks like the badguy?" one New Yorker yelled.
"Call me the Goblin. And why you should listen to me? I just saved your life from his bomb, now get somewhere safe."
Turning around to get back in the fight, I realize now why Spider-Man didn't help.
Green Goblin must have grabbed him and took him to fight without any interruptions.
Not on my watch.
Turning on Thermal imaging I follow the heat trail his Glider put out.
Hopefully I can help Spidey a bit more tonight.
Following the trail to an old dilapidated building, I see Green Goblin and Spider-Man in the middle of a fight. Unfortunately Spider-Man seems to be losing.
Pinned down by the Green Goblin, Spider-Man looks broken, beaten, and bruised… but I don't remember this part from the movie. Instead of laying on the ground with Green Goblin holding that weird trident thing, Green Goblin is holding Spider-Man by the neck, holding him against the wall.
Hopping off my glider, I listen in to the conversation between the two.
"I was going to offer you one more chance to join me bug, but you and that imposter really pissed me off." He growled. "So I'm gonna kill you. Nice and slow. Once I'm done with you and make sure that imposter is dead, MJ and I? We're gonna have a heluva time!" He snarled with almost inhuman, sadistic glee.
Maybe I should intervene.
Throwing a Razor Bat, I hit his forearm, causing him to drop Peter and look at me in shock.
"You…" he growls.
"Me. Come on Pops. Let's leave Pete out of this. Keep it in the family?"
He was staring at me in confusion until I pressed a series of buttons on my mask causing the upper half of the mask to rise, showing my face.
"Alex…?" he gasps.
"Yup. Come on dad. Give up the Green Goblin, you are better than this." I plead, but just as I had suspected, my pleas fell on deaf ears.
"You… BETRAYED ME!" He yells as he charges me in rage.
"No, you betrayed us dad! You became a monster, a threat to the city!" I yell back, blocking his rage fueled blows.
"I recreated your formula, better, perfected. I did what you couldn't, and instead of becoming a monster, I became a hero. I created a better suit, better weapons, better everything. I became a better version of you."
"BAH! You are nothing! I AM THE GREEN GOBLIN! You are nothing better." He yells as he punches, jabs, and kicks at me. "YOU ARE NOT EVEN MY SON!"
Those words would have probably caused Harry to collapse in anguish had our roles been reversed. Me though? He was never my father, he was nothing more than a psycho who pretended to be my father, and a bad one at that.
"Then you aren't my father." Is all I say in response before my open mask closes, showing the emotionless eyes of the Goblin.
Grabbing his next punch, I use it to smack him in the face and then throw him into the same wall he pinned Spider-Man to not five minutes ago.
"And because of that, I don't have to hold back."
(3rd person POV)
Spider-Man was having a really bad day, his Aunt was in the hospital, the love of his life was kidnapped by a complete psycho in bad Power Ranger suit then almost thrown to her death, and then he was kidnapped by the same Psycho that MJ was. Now he was watching the Green Goblin and Alex Osborn fighting, but what was weird was Alex sounded like he knew who the Green Goblin was, calling him dad and Pops… but that would mean Green Goblin is…
"Norman? But that makes no sense… what would he have to gain?"
Pushing his thoughts aside, he watched the fight with a renewed interest, he would help, but Green Goblin broke his leg in their fight once they landed.
Hopefully Alex… Goblin will be able to hold his own.
(Alex POV)
Watching Norman get up, I punch him in the face, the combination of my own incredible strength and the Adamantine armor giving my punches devastating power. Knocking him back, I stalk forward, punching him, kicking him, and knocking him back.
Every punch he threw was fueled by rage, because of this he became sloppy. I knew where he was going to hit next long before he ever gets the chance. Combine his rage with how tired he was becoming, he could barely keep up with me.
"That bomb*Pant* should have killed you, *Pant* How did you survive?" He asks as he tries hitting me again."
"The suit, it's incredibly durable." Is all I say as I once again catch his fist and throw him back.
"OK! OK! PLEASE! STOP! DON'T HURT ME!" He finally yells.
Don't tell me he is about to pull the same trick that he did on Spider –Man.
Taking his mask off, he looked at me in fear.
"Please, don't hurt me. It was the Goblin, HE MADE ME DO IT! You have to help me! Please! You're my son! You have to help me!"
Opening my mask again, I kneel down till I was on his level, I simply sighed.
"You don't know how much I want to Norman… Harry needs a father." I say.
Immediately he perks up, almost smiling.
"But unfortunately Norman, you are not it." I sigh.. "Besides, didn't you say I was no longer your son? I don't have to do a thing."
Immediately his relieved expression turned to one of sheer determination, determination to kill and destroy all in his path.
"Then Godspeed Goblin." He says while pressing a button on his forearm.
Diving out of the way, I can only watch as the infamous scene plays itself out in front of me.
Walking up to the dying (And still struggling) Norman Osborn, I look at him in pity.
"I am so sorry…" I say. And in a way, I was. Had he not been corrupted by the Oz Formula, he could have been a great hero, but after the serum affected his mind… there was no other way to truly stop him.
"Alex…" he whispered to me. "Don't tell Harry?"
And with that, the Mighty Norman Osborn drew his last breath.
Turning off his glider, I gently remove it from him and set it aside.
Picking him up, I walk over to where Pete was lying, propped up by some debris.
"Hey Pete." I say as I set the dead body of my father down on my glider, strapping him down with some rope I had in my utility belt to tie up bad guys.
"How long have you known?" he asked, looking at me in shock.
"Known what? That my dad was a psycho hell bent on ruining your life? Or the fact that you are Spider-Man?"
"Umm… both?"
"I've known ever since the parade, your body may be covered Pete, but your voice is still the same. If you want, I have a few things I can incorporate into your suit to make it a little more protected and disguise your voice a bit. Nothing fancy, just a bit extra padding here and there. As for how I knew he was the Green Goblin? Same thing, only he had something to gain from killing the board members, if they died, he had full control of the company. Funny thing was once he gained that power, he essentially pushed it all to me so he can further his pursuit of you. It was kinda sad…"
Shaking my thoughts aside, I sit next to Peter.
"Let me see your leg."
"It's broke isn't it? We need to set it in a splint till I can get you to my workshop to better fix you up."
"Umm… Ok?"
Grabbing a plank lying on the ground, I break it in half long ways and bring it over to him.
Setting his leg in position and putting the two boards on either side, I have him make a web cast over his leg.
"By the way, is the web natural? Or is it artificial?"
"Oh, it's artificial." He says as he pulls his sleeve up a bit to show me one of his web shooters.
Another difference between the movie and what I am currently in.
"That is incredible… The tensile strength must be off the charts… and you made it with everyday parts lying around?"
"Umm… yeah?"
"How about this Peter. Obviously I am not a complete psychopath, I would like to offer you a chance to use the professional laboratories, chemicals, technology, whatever you want of Oscorp Industries. You can make yourself new web shooters a little more durable than a couple old watches, and maybe we can add a little protection to that spandex of yours? What do you say?"
"Bu-Bu-What? Really?"
"Yeah really, you need more protection, I am hoping to become a superhero myself, and I figure it is a win/win situation. I can give you a badge to get you in to work on some stuff, and in exchange, maybe you can help me with a few ideas I'm working on."
"I…I… of course… Wow, this will be incredible!"
"Brilliant, now come on. We need to get back to my place."
Hopping on Norman's glider, I have Spider-Man hold on to my back, like a piggie back ride…that sounds so weird.
Controlling my glider to follow with Norman's body, we finally make it back to the Osborn Penthouse.
Hopping onto the Balcony, I grab Norman's body and bring him inside, setting him on the couch. Leaving Spider-Man outsde.
"What did you do…?" I hear from the doorway. "What did you do!?"
Turning to see Harry draw a gun, I raise my hands in surrender.
This will be an interesting encounter…