The Start of Something Fantastic

It has been almost a year since the death of Norman Osborn, and a lot has changed. Ownership of Oscorp immediately went to me and Oscorp as a business was never more successful with the sale of the Achilles Armor to the United States Military.

Yes I named the armor the Achilles Armor. What can I say, I was a History buff in my past life.

Spider-Man took my offer to borrow Oscorp's Facilities to upgrade his spandex to something a bit more durable. That's where I came in to help. Using a mesh weave of the Adamantine, I was able to remake his suit. Visually it looks almost the exact same, just a bit thicker than spandex. This mesh weave isn't quite as durable as the plates of armor the Military is using, but it is definitely able to protect him from stray bullets…

Now that I think about it, I should see if the local NYPD could use this…

"Fred, I came up with an idea. You remember the Adamantine Mesh I came up with last week? See if you can make a police uniform out of it."

"Yes sir."

Fred was my lead scientist; he was currently in charge of everything I do with the Adamantine. I gave him ideas and he made them happen.

Anyway, I was able to input into Spider-Man's mask a similar HUD to mine that connected him to police scanners and connected him to my facial recognition software, the main difference was where mine was reliant on either voice recognition or pressing a button on my suit, his was entirely voice activated. On the bright side, it only worked with his voice and while the mask was on. If it was anyone other than him wearing the mask, it wouldn't work. Another thing I helped him add was the lenses had the ability to darken, acting like sunglasses or let in more light.

But my all-time favorite thing was the utility belt. So I am a Batman fan, I can't help it.

His Spider-Belt actually is stored under his shirt, it holds extra web cartridges, some basic first aid, and some trackers that are connected to his suit's HUD so he can track them. Not much, but as he grows more experienced, he can add more or remove some stuff from it.

So essentially we end up with a suit that looks like the average Spider-Man suit, but much more durable, he doesn't have to worry about running out of web, and he can track bad guys all over the city.

Your welcome world.

Another thing we tweaked was his web. While an incredible mixture of house hold chemicals, we decided that as a weapon, it was severely lacking.

In messing with his web, I didn't help much, just gave him a few ideas like a web grenade, Taser web, stuff like that that he could switch with a small dial on his web shooters.

I was however able to take a look at his web, and I had to admit… It was impressive, the Tensile strength was off the charts, if I had a strand of this stuff, I could pull a passenger plane across the runway without the web even straining. It is truly incredible.

After upgrading his suit, we quickly became the good and bad vigilantes of New York, Spider-Man was the happy go lucky Boy Scout wearing red and blue, while I was the dark and terrifying one wearing body armor.

The Daily Bugle quickly started calling us villains and claimed that my Goblin motif proved I was working with or for the original Green Goblin, either that or I was taking his place as a villain because the original was killed.

Despite J. J. Jameson being a total idiot, we still managed to protect the city to the best of our abilities, often teaming up to take out various gangs or big deals we couldn't take out alone. We even ended up meeting Daredevil a few times. Hopefully my armor was able to block out my heartbeat from his incredible hearing, I don't want my Identity to get out to anyone other than Spider-Man, the only reason I let him see was so he could trust me and I wanted to help him.

Anyway, after Spider-Man nothing much has changed, Harry has seemingly gotten over his father's death, He isn't totally over it, but he seems to be doing better. He has been disappearing for extended periods of time though… I need to look into that.

After the sale of the Achilles Armor, I started funding Dr. Otto Octavius in his research for unlimited energy. I know what you are thinking; He turns into Doc Ock doing that!

Well, I am hoping to change that, I also may be hoping to borrow the designs to his arms, maybe make Spider-Man an Iron Spider suit or make me something for the Goblin.

Sighing in exhaustion, I lean back in my chair in my official Penthouse office, not my workshop, and rub my eyes. With everything going on, I haven't been able to get as much sleep as I normally do. Running a company is exhausting.

Looking up to the TV for a second, a news story catches my eye. Turning the volume up, I stare in shock as I realize what is going on.

"Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Anthony 'Tony' Stark has been declared missing."

Turning the news off, I start to plan. This is the start of Iron Man 1, maybe I can use this? But how?

Getting up and stretching, I start really thinking. If Obadiah is going to make an Iron Monger suit, I should make me something that can defeat him.

Heading into my workshop, I pull my EMP weapon off the wall. Hopefully with a bit of tweaking, it will be able to short out the Iron Monger suit… now how to make it a focused beam instead of a pulse…

Time to set to work.


(A few days before in Afghanistan)

"Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves. For your consideration, the Jericho." The famous, or infamous in some circles, Tony Stark announced.

Tony Stark was having a good day, he just finished demonstrating his newest 'clean' Missile, the soldiers showed him respect, and he had his alchohol.

But one thing really turned off his good mood. As soon as he got to Afghanistan, he immediately saw all the soldiers wearing some body armor.

"Hey. You." He said to one of the lower ranking soldiers in the area. "What are you wearing?"

So confused at the armor, he couldn't even formulate a witty comment about it.

"It is a new body armor designed by Oscorp Industries Sir." The soldier said.

"Wait, Oscorp made this? That kid Alex Osborn? No way."

"Its true sir, it's saved my life more times than I care to admit. We were in active combat last week and I would have died if the armor didn't protect me from the sniper shot."

"Wait, this armor protected you from a Sniper shot? No way. How durable are these things anyway?" Stark said while looking the Armor over.

"We were told it could protect us from nearly anything short of a tank round sir."

Pausing in his movement he stared at the soldier in front of him.

"What? Th-That's impossible, no metal known could do that. It would have to be titanium, but that isn't it… you wouldn't be standing if it were titanium…"

In full on inventor mode, Tony Stark spent the next few minutes studying the supposed Impossible Achilles Armor.

"The metal would need to be three times as strong as Titanium, but a third the weight, that's impossible…"

"Sir, we need you for the presentation." Another soldier called.

Walking over to his missile, he pondered over the mysterious Achilles armor. How the hell is that even possible?

Two things he did know, Osborn was smarter than he let on…

And he had seen the armor before…


In the month of Stark's disappearance, Obadiah Stane had become increasingly aggressive in his business moves. Almost as soon as Stark vanished, He attempted to buy out Oscorp. I was able to stop him, but it was still a very aggressive move on his part. If my bugs were telling the truth, he was also attempting to buy out the Four Freedom's Plaza and Hammer Tech.

This is how I first met the Fantastic Four.

A months after my dad went crazy with the serum, the Four had went to space to experiment on growing plants in space to see if farming was a viable option for food. Unfortunately there was a cosmic storm that cut their trip short. After being struck by the waves, they each gained incredible powers, Reed Richards or Mr. Fantastic gained the unique ability to stretch his body like taffy or rubber. His Fiancé Susan Storm gained the ability to turn invisible or create force fields of any shape, she went by the name the Invisible Woman. Johnny Storm, Susan's brother, gained the ability to catch himself on fire, fly, and heat himself up to a point he could catch the atmosphere on fire. He was only known as the Human Torch. Finally Benjamin Grimm, their family friend and pilot, gained a physical change instead of their more controlled powers. He became made of Solid Stone and was capable of lifting up to a shocking 90 tons.

Along with them, Victor Van Damme of Van Damme Industries also flew up there with them, gaining not only a metal skin, but also the ability to absorb and produce electricity. He however left the four to return back to his failing company. After the Plaza, I was planning on buying out his company as a business move and use its resources to further produce some various Technologies.

Unfortunately, as scientists, Reed and Sue were geniuses, but they were sorely lacking funds. So as any good Marvel comic's fan would do, I bought Four Freedom's Plaza before Stane could.

Obviously I became his enemy doing this, but until he gained his Iron Monger suit, he was hardly a threat.

The Plaza, or the Baxter Building as the CenterPoint of the Plaza, was originally meant to be Reed Richard's Lab and think tank for a variety of scientists, but it quickly became his home and by extension, the home of the rest of the team. The scientists would invent and experiment, but unfortunately they never made a lot of money, their inventions being too costly or ridiculous to actually use with only the random idea actually being credible. So when I came in and offered them a substantial amount of money to both buy the building and fund some of their research, they readily accepted.

Apparently the deal Stane was making would have had the Four and the scientists in the Plaza designing weapons instead of things helpful to society.

"You have no idea how grateful we are Mr. Osborn, without your funding… We would have had to shut down!" Sue Storm said after my tour of the building.

Sue Storm was what many men would call attractive, I definitely did. She had blonde hair that reached to her mid back, blue eyes, and she had curves in all the right places. Not meaning to sound like a perv or anything, but damn.

"It was no problem, I've heard of your work and I am very interested in some of the technology here. I promise not to pressure you into selling your ideas to me, but some of this stuff is truly amazing."

Looking around at some of the technology here, I could say I really was impressed. Reed by himself had a variety of devices strewn all across his desk, but from what few Blueprints I could make out, they were truly genius.

After saying my goodbyes and heading to the lobby, I think that today is a pretty good day. I was even able to put a few miniature bugs throughout the Plaza so I could see and hear what was going on.

Maybe I can fly around town a bit as Goblin? Relax a bit. This entire venture made me excited.


Later that night, after stopping a few muggings and a car robbery, I was flying around town, seeing the sights and basically just relaxing on my Glider (Which I finally made and modified. Think Defoe's, but longer wings, made of Adamantine, and more weapons.) When I suddenly saw flashing lights near the Baxter Building.

Realizing the Four would never actually do anything like that I decide to investigate.

Flying by I see someone that is probably the most widely known supervillain known to Marvel Comics.

Doctor Doom.

And he was fighting the Four.

And he was winning.

Jumping off my Glider after I set it on Auto-Pilot, I announce my entrance.

"Hey Mr. Roboto! Catch!" I yell as I throw a Pumpkin Bomb at him. I knew he would be fine, his metal skin would protect him from the blast, hopefully it will distract him.

Turning to look at me, he catches the Pumpkin bomb. Turning it over and looking at it, he is about to toss it aside when it explodes.


"You Insolent Fool. Do you know who you are facing!?!"

"Yeah, C-3PO after bad day." I quip. I've been hanging around Spider-Man too long.

He just glares at me before blasting me backwards with an energy blast.

"Son of a…." landing right next to Reed, I groan as I get up. Damn, that blast has a punch, My armor protected me from the electricity and most of the blast, but that will definitely leave a bruise.

"What are you doing here? Get away, he is our problem!" Reed is saying to me.

"Sorry Stretch, but as soon as someone threatens New York, It becomes my problem." I respond as I pull out six Razorbats, three for each hand. "Now let's play. Get the lady to make a forcefield around Doom, then have Matches go Supernova. It will melt the Armor to a degree. After that, soak him. It will solidify the Armor…"

"And prevent him from moving!" Reed finishes, catching on to my plan.

"Good. I'll distract him." I grin.

Flinging three of the Bats, I nail him on the cheek, chest, and forehead.

"Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto! Let's Play!" I laugh as I toss the other three at him, hitting his nose, chest, and his ear.


In his rage at my so called "Insolence", he failed to notice Reed telling the others my plan until it was too late.

Attempting to blast me again, his attack simply bounces off one of Sue's Forcefields.

"What?" he mumbles to himself in shock.

"FLAME ON!!!" The Torch yells as he catches on fire and starts flying around the inside of the forcefield going as hot as he could go.

"WHAT!?! NO!!!" Doom yells as he realizes their plan, but nothing could stop it now.

"Reed! I can't hold it!" Sue yells after a minute of holding the Supernova level heat inside the field.

"MATCHES, FLAME OFF! Sue, Drop the field!!" I yell. "Grimm, Break the Fire Hydrant!"

As soon as they did what I said, Reed stretched himself into a sort of funnel, making the water flow and hit Doom, super cooling him.

As soon as that was done, I catch Sue before she could collapse in exhaustion. I'm honestly surprised she is still awake.

Soon after, Reporters from all over who had come to see the fight came rushing in.


"Excuse me, What happened here?"

"What are your Powers?"

"What are your names?"

Activating the microphone in my helmet I call out.


Seeing everyone shut up, I continue.

"Thank you. Just so you are all aware, I am not apart of their group. My name is the Goblin."

Immediately at the mention of my name, they all started climbing over themselves to ask questions.


Looking at them, I try again.

"Yes, I exist, and no I am not an evil psychopath like the Daily Bugle claims I am. What you just witnessed tonight however is much more important than my existence. These four individuals stopped a threat to our city, At this point, I will let them take over their introduction."

Hopping on my Glider, I float up into the air.

"Till next time Fantastic Four." I wave as I fly off.

"Till next time…" I mutter as I eye the smoking body of Victor Van Doom.