What are you?


You snooze you lose. (Laughs)


You cheated (crosses arms with anger)

That's not fair.

(Kai and Lexa arrives)


That makes it 3-0 in my favour.


Get inside (letting out a little laugh)


What are you..?


What do you think?

(Lexa's POV)

His voice shifted to the way it was at our first encounter at the bar. How can a guy change so much? What I think..? I don't know, it..it can't be real. What if I'm dreaming? This has to be a dream. That's it.


Say it. Out loud.


You.. it can't be.


It can't be what?


You can't be...this is a dream, isn't it?

(Another guy runs quickly to Kai)


Hey Kai. Who's this? (Preparing to attack)


Control yourself. (Giving him an order)


But that's... you brought a human.


Rico, calm down. Why did you come out? Where are you going?


The Count sent me. He wants to see you.


I'll be right there.

(Rico smiles)


Oh my god.

(Lexa's POV)

When he smiled...his teeth... he..he has fangs. No, this isn't real. It can't be real.


Get inside, you're not supposed to be outside the gates.


Okay, Right. (Leaves)


I didn't exactly think this through.


You're...you really are..


Say it.

(Lexa's POV)

They run fast, they have fangs..the blood on the girls.. It can't be..


You're a vampire?


See that wasn't so hard.


Are you?

(Kai winks at her like he was saying yes)

(Lexa's POV)

Oh god. I have to get out of here.

(She runs away but Kai catches up in less then a second)


Please, just let me go!


I can't do that yet. I have to get inside. Whatever happens, you stay behind me. Not everyone has learned full control yet, so you'll be safer with me.


I'd be safer at home. What is this place?


This is the Mansion.


Filled with..


Vampires, yes.


This isn't real, it's just a bad dream.


Whatever get's you inside. Come on.

(They walk inside)


What are you doing bringing a human to the Mansion? (Says in anger)

(Lexa scared she can barely move)


How did you..


I could smell her before you even opened the door.


It's a long story, Celeste.


The Count is going to be furious.


My father is never in a good moods and you know it.


Who is she?


She's..what's your name?




Really? That's a pretty name.


Stop it Kai. This is serious.


As if I don't know that. Things got escalated at the club and she saw it.


Then compel her.


She saw too much, it'll take a lot of power to make her forget.


And you're drunk, I can smell it on you.


I'm not drunk, but yes, I've been drinking a little.


Why would you drink? You know better than to drink while being out.


I didn't drink outside the gates. I did it before we left.


I heard about your fight with your father.


Then you know very well why I did it.


He's not going to like this.

(Kai's father walks in)


What is it I'm not going to like? What the..?

(Lexa's POV)

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he is strong. It's all written over him. I didn't think it's possible, but now I'm even more scared.


What have you done now?

(Kai rolls his eyes)


There were some complications while they were out.


I told you to take the boys out so they can experience a normal environment. (Says in a angry tone) I didn't tell you to bring a human.


And I told you they weren't ready! Max lost it out there and she saw it. This is on you!

(Lexa's POV)

Oh no. If they start to fight I think I'll faint.


You've been drinking. And you can't compel her to forget, can you? You're wasting your powers. You're the strongest one here by nature and if you train you'll be even better. But you're too lazy. If you can't compel her the kill her.


What? (Says surprised)

(Lexa's POV)

No. Now I think I'll faint.


You can't kill her, Count.


We can't have a human walking these halls.


Then turn her.


Turn her?

(Lexa's POV)

What is happening? Why is this happening?


We can't have her walking around among us and we can't let her go until tomorrow night. We can't kill her either, I suppose people saw you leave together and she must have family. Too many questions will be raised. The only solution is to turn her.


It's not like we can turn her and then let her go. She's gonna have to be trained.


And that's gonna fall on you.




You brought her here, she's your responsibility. It's dangerous enough that she's been here, what, like 10 minutes. It can't go on longer, someone might notice and it can end badly.


We can't just turn her.


Not we, you. You'll be the one to turn her and you'll be the one to train her. Everything she does is on you.


You can't be serious.


I'm very serious. Get it over with.


You have to go to the throne room, Count. They're waiting for you.


Thank you, Celeste. Get it over with, Kai. I expect it to be done before midnight.

(Count leaves the room)

(Lexa's POV)

That's only two hours away.


What the hell kind of crap idea was that?


Would you rather kill her? I did you a favor, it could have been worse.


Worse? This is worst! I can't be a vampire.


You don't have much a choice, dear.

(Lexa's POV)

This can't be happening. It is a dream, it has to be a dream. Just breathe and come up with a solution. I can't really run from them. I tried and well, I didn't get that far. And now there's two of them, a house filled with them.


Celeste, you know I can't do it.


You can and you will. You don't have a choice.


What do you mean you can't? Am I in danger?


It's not that easy to turn someone. A bite from a vampire contains endorphins. For the victims it's kind of like getting high and they get a rush out of it. But it's nothing compared to what vampires has to do when turning a human. Let's just say that when a vampire opens up to let the venom spread in the blood it opens up a huge path for blood to pour and it becomes hard to stop. Almost impossible. It takes training to do it.


So lots of people has to die for you to learn to do it right?


Exactly, and well..


I've never done it.


So you're saying that if he doesn't turn me into a vampire, that guy is going to kill me and if you do try, you might kill me?


That guy, is the head of the vampires. He is mentioned as the Count and nothing less.


That's the least of our problems right now.


If she's going to be a vampire and stay here, she has to learn the rules.


If I don't die, you mean.




This is bad. Really bad.


No shit! This is your fault! Did you have to approach me in the first place? All of this is your fault!


The plan was to feed off of you and then leave you alone.


You were gonna feed off of me?

(Says surprisingly)

Good job following that stupid plan of yours.


She's feisty, which will make her stronger as a vampire.


She wasn't like this. She was shy and everything.


Well this is having me nothing more to worry about. Since I'm going to die anyways!


You won't die, hopefully.


Of course she is, that's why he agreed to it. He knows I can't do it.


I'll help you through it, Kai.


Your name is Kai?

(Lexa's POV)

It's been said a few times but I didn't pay attention. It sounds kind of...exotic.


Yeah. Can't you just do it?


And defy your father? Sure I will.

(Crossing arms)


Really? You've done it before?


I wasn't serious.

(Rolls eyes)

But yes, I have done it.


I'll end up killing her.

(Looks down)


No you won't. I won't let you. Don't worry, I'll walk you through it.


What are you doing?


Focus Kai. First of all, you'd want to compel her not to feel anything, since the venom is unbearable.


What? You didn't tell me that.


To make it easier for yourself, you might want to compel her to not fight you either.


No, please don't.

(Kai goes in front of Lexa)

No, no. Please don't do this.

(Lexa's POV)

He stared into my eyes to get my attention and the next time he opened his mouth, his voice got soothing again. Everything else blurred out all I could focus on was his eyes. Those white eyes.


You're not going to feel any pain at all and you won't move.


Good. Keeping looking in her eyes, calm her with your own eyes. When she's submitted completely, bite in.


I can't..


Yes you can. Focus, she's under your spell. Just remember to pull away. If you bite her for too long, you'll drain her. Deep breath Kai, I'm here. Take the bite.

(Kai bites Lexa's neck)

Good. Try not to suck her blood while spreading the venom. Okay, you can stop.




Kai, stop. Kai, stop! You'll kill her. Stop!

(Kai stops and Lexa falls to the ground)

Calm down, you took too much.


Oh god. I need..I need more.


No. She's too weak. Leave, I'll take care of her. You did good kid. You showed great control. Yes, you did take too much but she might make it.


I might have killed her.


You might have but I don't think you did. Leave, I'll take care of her.

(Kai goes to his room)


What if I killed her?

(Kai's POV)

I took too much but it..it was like nothing I've experienced before. The amount..god..I've never taken that much at a time. Thank god for Celeste. She's kind of the person who raised me. My mom bailed on us when I was 7, meaning 17 years ago. Vampires can be born, like I was, which makes us stronger, like I am. But it's rare. Vampires are sterile to 99% meaning at very rare occasions, that 1% creates a baby. My mom is a vampire too but she decided to go a different way instead of being under my fathers lead. I have to admit, I've thought about leaving. But there's no other place I could go really.

(A girl walks into the room)


Hey Kai. (Winking at him)




Is it true? Did you bring a human here?


How did you know?


It's all over the place, everyone knows.


Look, I'm not in the mood Vanessa.

(Kai's POV)

Vanessa is a few years older than me, human years I mean, but we've had this thing going on. I've been a vampire since birth but she turned two years ago, meaning I'm older in vampire years.


What, are you just going to keep her to yourself? Come on, share.


There's nothing to share. She's not a human anymore.


What? The Count turned her? Why?


No, he didn't, I did.


You turned her? How did you..? Awesome! Your first. In that department at least.

(Celeste walks in)


Could I speak to Kai alone, Vanessa?


Of course, Your Grace.

(Vanessa leaves the room)


Is she up? (Looking at the floor)


No. She lost a lot of blood, so it'll take a while for her body to recover. She'll probably be out until tomorrow morning.




Don't beat yourself up. You didn't kill her, Kai.


It's only a matter of time before he's gonna make me kill someone.


But that time isn't now, so relax. I suggest you should be the one she sees when she wakes up.




She already has a connection to you and that's a good thing. It'll be easier for her now during the beginning.


We barely know each other. I didn't even know her name before we got here.


Yes, but in this situation she trusts you most. I saw the way she clinged herself to you when the Count came out. And about that, you didn't know her name but still you-


We didn't do anything, so you can relax.


Okay, if you say so. Now come on.


Where did you put her?


In her new room.

(They walk to the room)

Here she is. I suggest you make it quick and then go to bed so you can be here early tomorrow.



(Celeste leaves)

(Kai's POV)

At least she's alive. She's gonna kill me when she wakes up tomorrow. And Celeste is right, she'll be a strong vampire. Especially with that anger she has now.

(Kai leaves)