"There was an error in this part right here – there were plenty of typos. Whose work is this?" Liu Yang encircles every word she sees wrong in the manuscript. She did expect to still encounter lots of errors even after all those thorough reviews with the rest of her team.

Qiao Lan and the rest takes note of every error she points out, afraid of doing it all over again and receiving an earful from the Editor while Amy also puts in a little bit of information.

But their heads kept lowering every word uttered by Liu Yang.

They are all interrupted by a light knock. It was the Chief's secretary, informing them that Min Chu would be treating them to lunch.

Everyone cheered at the good news – relieved that the incoming 'lecture' is temporarily cut – and starts cleaning the conference room to get ready to leave. Time slipped their minds without knowing it is already time for lunch.

Liu Yang thanked the secretary as she hands her the card.