How Do You Look So Sexy Drenched from the Rain

He tensed a little and he cursed in his mind.

Darn it, how do you look so sexy drenched from the rain, don't most women just look haggard?

Originally he thought that she'd be in his arms by now.

But she didn't like him that way.

That was such an infuriating thought, and he had to force himself not to think about it.

By the time they reached the school gates, the rain had gotten lighter, but the entrance was still deserted and empty.

Luosang was going to make a dash for it, but Nian Junting grabbed her by her arm, "Take the umbrella."

She was caught off guard and blushed a little at the physical contact, "I haven't even gotten the chance to return your umbrella from the previous time, now I'm taking another one…"

Not to mention, his umbrellas were expensive so she felt particularly bad especially after what happened earlier on.