How Could She Not Fancy Someone as Perfect as He Is?

Who knows what would have happened if Yan Su didn't appear tonight, Luosang thought to herself.

"Count yourself lucky for bumping into me like that. I just got off from work," Yan Su said. "Judging by his attire, he must be someone of importance. How did you get yourself involved with him?"

"He is my ex-boyfriend…" Luosang replied with a grimace, "We broke up long ago and he is currently seeing someone else. He just appeared out of nowhere today. I have no intentions of seeing him again."

Yan Su frowned, "He looks a little crazy to me. He's the scumbag you were dating? Hang on, I thought you went out to buy clothes for Mr. Nian today, why are you drenched like a sad puppy? Didn't he offer you an umbrella?"

"Don't talk about it," Luosang looked away, "It's a dreadful day. He mistook my compassion for romantic affection and kissed me on the lips. I refused him and it felt too awkward to accept his umbrella. We shouldn't be keeping in touch anymore."