Mr. Nian, I Think It’s Your Fault Miss Xu Is Pregnant

How could he speak of his own brother-in-law this way? Besides, their personalities resembled one another. 

"Don't worry, be brave and chase after her," Nian Junting said. "Yan Su would never like anyone like him. He is too childish. Women these days like men who are mature, like us. Take me for example, Luosang couldn't wait to tie me down at such a young age."

"So, you think I'm tying you down?" a woman's voice was heard from the door. 

Nian Junting froze. When he saw her, he quickly said, "I haven't finished my sentence. It's a happy problem to have."

"Didn't you say that I couldn't wait to tie you down?" Luosang asked.

"I am the one who couldn't wait to tie you down," Nian Junting said as he held her hand. "If I hadn't met you, I would have probably died alone. That's why I think it is difficult for Lu Kang to find a girlfriend. He's getting quite old after all."

This conversation wasn't helping Lu Kang at all.