You're Just Jealous Because We Can Sit Together

Shi Xiang wasn't happy to hear that.

Yan Su knew Mo Liuxi was hassling her again, so she said to Shi Xiang, "It's okay. Let's sit here."

"I don't care where you two sit, but if the reporters take any pictures of you two sitting together, you'll both suffer the consequences," said Mo Liuxi. "I advise you to sit separately."

Shi Xiang raised his eyes and smiled. "You're just jealous we can sit together," he said flatly.

"You can try to sit together," said Mo Liuxi raising his chin. "I assure you you'll be in the headlines tomorrow."

Yan Su had just come back to work. She wanted people to see her ability, not the scandals; that's the last thing she needed. "No worries, she muttered meekly. "I'll be sitting over there. We're gonna stay in Venice for a few days anyway, so we'll have plenty of time to catch up then."

"Sure thing," said Shi Xiang, suddenly feeling better.