Woman Can Be Horrible When They Decided to Be Mean

Mo Liuxi was stunned to find her eyes red.

For some reason, he liked it when she couldn't help but scold him. "I don't know how to get away," he said. "Maybe you can show me how."

Yan Su didn't say a word. She was really failing to control herself. She couldn't kick him, so she stepped on his foot really hard with her heels. Her heels were hiding under her dress, so no one could see her movement, and her ten-centimeter high heels would certainly give him pain.

Li Ming moved forward, then found the two starting a fight on the red carpet. He was so angry. "You guys can fight as long as you want when we get back to the hotel, but not here," he said through clenched teeth.

"We weren't fighting." Mo Liuxi endured the pain, then pulled his foot out from under Yan Su's heel. He found a dent on his shoe.

No wonder people said that women could be horrible when they decided to be mean.