Since When Did You Become So Close With Yan Su?

Yan Su was stunned. She had just realized that she did not know much about Mo Liuxi before.

As the old saying goes, 'To know a man is to know his past.'

Mo Liuxi explained, "I was all about making money at that time. Many times I saw him developing his game when I went to the computer lab. So I had my eye on him. After observing him for a while, I knew he had the talent. Otherwise, I would never have talked to him."

Chu Jiu was glad to hear Mo Liuxi's words, but his smug face soon disappeared. "Hey, that's a bit harsh!"

Yan Su laughed out loud and asked with curiosity, "So how did you get that one million?"

Mo Liuxi paused for a while, and then answered, "Part-time jobs, and saving as much money as I could."

Chu Jiu quickly said, "He had three jobs, and only slept five hours a day."

Yan Su felt tears in her throat. She promised herself that she would treat Mo Liuxi better from then on.