What Motive Does She Harbor?

The domestic helper left after making dinner. It was now just the three of them. Xiang Caiping stood rooted to the ground. She was already feeling awkward when she first got there. Looking at Huo Jinyao now made her even more uncomfortable.

The way Huo Jinyao was looking at her was especially disconcerting. Xiang Caiping wanted too much to be with Su Qingsang to be put off.

"Let's eat," Huo Jinyao spoke first. He shifted his gaze to Su Qingsang. Su Qingsang purposefully blinked at him to indicate that they should have their meal first before talking about anything else.

The three of them sat at the dining table.

Su Qingsang held up a bowl to scoop soup into it and, after thinking for a moment, placed the bowl of soup in front of Xiang Caiping. "Have some soup first."

"Thank you, thank you."

Su Qingsang looked at Xiang Caiping's demeanor and seemed a little perplexed. "You don't have to be so formal."