Qingsang Isn’t Your Daughter

"You look good."

"Yeah?" Su Qingsang glanced at her sweater and said, "I agree."

No machine-made sweater could compare with a hand-made piece like that. The sweater made her feel especially warm. She didn't regret her decision at all.

"Mom will be happy to see you wearing it." Huo Jinyao was glad to know that she had thought through it.

Blood was not the only important thing. Huo Jinyao didn't see it as a big deal at all. Sometimes, the ties of blood might not even be as important as the actual close relationships between people.

Xiang Caiping wasn't Su Qingsang's real mother, but she sincerely saw the latter as her daughter.

When Su Qingsang showed up again in the hospital room, Xiang Caiping found that she was in a very good mood. She looked closer, then recognized the white sweater that she made for Su Qingsang.

She grinned, believing that it was the sweater that made her daughter happy. "I'll make you another one if you like it."