Awakening primal instincts.1/2.

Lilly slowly moves towards her bloodline to awaken it. As she slowly opens her bloodline, she gets overwhelmed by her primal killing instict. Lilly's face turns pale, and her breathing gets heavy, to the point she almost feels that her heart will stop beating.

Can it be my nine tail demon fox bloodline that has such strong sense to kill? When I think about it, it contains the word demon fox, in its name. If I think about what I know when it comes to foxes, if you think of it in a spiritual way.

They are known for being evil, cunning, or beatiful and a trickster. Even if I think about that aspect it has nothing to do with bloodline, but the general personality of the person. Unless the nine tail demon fox, is born evil?

No need for me to think to much on it, my mission is to awaken my primal insticts, and take it from that. Lilly nods for herself, and becomes resolute to awaken her primal instict.

"During this period Rose have been slowly awakening her primal insticts"

Lilly noticed that, her smell, and sensory abilites has risen to a whole new level. Lilly smiles for herself, feeling some of the new aspects to her body. This is only the start hehe, I wonder how it would feel once I fully awaken my insticts?

Lets try pushing this to our limits. Lilly forcefully awakens more part of her primal insticts. Lilly starts to sweat, her face becoming even paler, and the natural killing insticts arouses to peak level.

Blue night notices the changes in Lilly, and gets really worried. "Lilly?" "Lilly?" "Lilly!! Listen to my voice, do not let yourself be overtaken by your insticts. Slow your breathing, relax your muscles. Imagine yourself floating on top of the water. Says Blue nigth in a calm and stern voice.

"Lilly tries to listen to Blue nights words. Lilly only caught on some of the words Blue night said, and attempts to relax her body and let her insticts slowly integrate with her entire being. Lilly feels a splitting headache to the point she clenches her fists so tightly blood slowly drips from her fists."

"Lilly's eyes turns bloodshot and blood drops from her eyes. Lilly falls down to the ground and clenches her claws, deep down in the ground, and runs of into the forest."

Blue night frowns, and shakes her head. "I told her not to abruptly awaken her insticts, yet what does she do? Oh wait, awakens them almost right away..."

"It's all up to her at this point, I can't help her at this point... She has to deal with this on her own." She says worriedly and sighs.

"Lilly runs deep into the forest, and growls like a wild beast. She hits some trees, clawing at them, face hitting them untill blood seeps out of her forehead."

Is this how it will end? will I turn into a wild beast just like that without no chance to fullfill the prophecy...? Why...Why... Did I choose to awaken my primal insticts soo quickly? Did I not feel a deep killing instict? I should have realised that, based on how strong it was.

Now it is sadly too late for me to regret... All I can do now is to try and regain control slowly over time. If not how will I ever survive in this world. I do not even know why I want to get stronger, what is the purpose?

Is it to kill, go threw an endless suffering? Is it to become the strongest person? Is it to make a change, change the world for the better? Is it to have control of my own fate, and let no one control me? What is my purpose to strive for strength?

Is it to become a saint, warrior, ruler? No that is not the reason why I reincarnated. I reincarnated to cultivate, to get stronger, and control my own fate, but do I really care about all that? All I need is to get to a certain strength and then resign, and live a peaceful life.

I remember my father trembling when he found out that I have the chance to awaken my bloodline, turning into a nine tail demon fox. Is that my purpose, my goal? To become stronger so that, my tribe can prosper?

Seems like I have a goal, wait five years, awaken my bloodline, get stronger, and make my tribe prosper. Will I find a new purpose after that? Will I change during my journey to seek strength? Will I become someone everyone knows? I have soo many questions, for the future, but I know better then try to solve them all right now. Not that it is actually possible.

This is my body!! I decide what to do with it she screams loudly, trying to regain control of her body. No matter how I scream. No matter how much I try it simply won't allow me to regain control.

"Suddenly the pendant Lilly has around her starts throbbing"

What is happening Lilly says hoarsely and abit weak? "Why is my pendant throbbing, and how can a pendant throb?"

"The pendant, floats up in the air pointing towards north"

Seems like I should head north, but how can I head no...? Nevermind, seems like the primal insticts are following the direction the pendant pointed at?

"Why do I even bother question the rules of this new world". Says Lilly feeling dejected.

One week later Lilly arrives at the cave.

"It took me one whole week to arrive here... It really feels weird, not being in control of my own body..."

The pendant throbs even more, almost to the point it wants to escape.

"As my body got closer, and closer the pendant lights up, suddenly I got teleported to an unknown place."