Meeting father and mother after being away from home for almost two weeks.

"Lilly walks threw the tribe almost bare chested, with a large claw wound on her chest area that reaches down to her stomach area."

"Lilly opens the door to her parents house and sees her mother and father sitting around, the table looking dishevelled."

Lilly says. "father mother... I'm finally home.."

Her parents comes almost running towards Lilly hugging her tightly.

Her father asks. "Were have you been Lilly?"

Lilly asks her father while pointing at the pendant."Is it ok if I tell you here with mother around?"

Greenwood replies. "I think that would be for the best."

Her mother looks at Greenwood, and Lilly puzzled about their conversation.

Lilly says "I'll start from the beginning. This will be a long story, so do not interrupt me."

" I met with my father after I told Blue night about the strange phenomena inside my dantian."

"Two of my abilities merged with my darkness attribute, becoming Dark ice, and dark lightning."

"So I went to my father, and he told me, that it could be our bloodline, me and my father has a special bloodline, from an ancient beast race, called the nine tail demon fox."

"Soy father gave me this pendant." Lilly shows her mother the pendant.

"After he gave me this pendant, he told me that, in five years I should head towards the cave, that this pendant belongs to."

"Of course I listened to my father, and wanted to wait five years, but during training I forcefully awakened primal insticts fully."

"Which resulted in me losing control over my body, afterwards my pendant started to throb, so my body followed were the pendant lead to."

"After that I reached the cave, and I got teleported into a different world, that resides inside the cave."

"Once I got inside the world I met the nine tail demon fox, who is called Rin."

"Rin helped me regain somewhat control over my body, I will sometimes, lose control over myself."

" So sometimes when I fight, I would be fighting purely on my primal insticts."

"It may sound bad, but Rin couldn't help me any better then that, sadly..."

"After she helped me regain control over my body, she awakened my bloodline, so at this moment I can use one bloodline power called shadow claw."

"Later on we went into the immortal estate that she owns."

"Oh before we went in, she taught me all about our dantians, and that they can evolve into a world, as we continue to cultivate."

"Rin also told me that there are three stages, first the one inside us, second the one we can create and live in, based on the world inside our dantians."

"The second stage will allow you to get beast inside your world, that can cultivate, but they do not have the same intelligence, like us"

"The third stage is creating your own planet, and after millions of years you can get sentient beings being born on your world."

"After that we went inside the immortal estate. Inside the immortal estate, are three floors, I can only go threw the first floor."

"There are countless of pictures of people on the walls inside the immortal estate."

"Once we got inside Rin took me to the library and told me to choose two cultivation methods."

"I told her I wanted to focus on strength and speed. and she gave me the cultivation method that she uses."

"She gave me a cultivation method called the immortal quality build."

"The immortal quality build focuses on strength and agility, which suits me very well."

"Since I want to use a greatsword and needles. So I need to be both strong and fast."

"She also cultivate the immortal quality build, so she directly implanted it into me."

"Giving me all of her insights and knowledge of the cultivation method."

"She told me that, nine tail demon fox, usually focuses on long range and close combat, which suits me perfectly. Since I too focuses on long range and close combat."

"So afterwards she gave me the second cultivation method, which is a part of the twelve zodiac signs."

"The one I got was the gemini, which truly suits nine tail foxes."

"Since they can be two faced, loyal, extreme emotions, etc."

" I also find it a bit funny, since I have two mothers and one father." Lilly giggles when she said that.

"Yes Rin is my second mother. In the future as she will fully merge with me, eradicating my cat bloodline."

"That is still a while, untill that would happen, for now she has given me two specks of her own spirit, to awaken my bloodline.

"Since I will lose myself during fights, and then she will take control over my body to fight."

"She can only take control when I'm unconscious, that does not mean when I'm asleep."

"She was the one who just saved me from certain death, if she didn't take control over my body, I would have died."

"Since she will become a part of me and I will become a part of me, she will naturally be my mother."

"You are the one who gave birth to me so you will be the primary mom, while Rin will be my secondary mom, who will give birth to a new me."

"That is why it will take soo much time for me to turn into a nine tail demon fox, She can only merge a small part of herself once a year."

"She also gave me a mission, in the future after Rin has fully merged with me, I will turn into her species."

"That naturally means, it will be my job to make a tribe for us demon foxes, and become the patriarch of the new tribe."

"I will build the tribe in the demon kingdom, were we naturally belong to."

"I intend to gather every nine tail demon fox, that are in hiding to follow me, and I will place ourself on the map once again."

"This is not only my second mother's wish, but also mine, I do not want my brethren, to live in hiding, in fear."

"So I am resolute to do that!"

"Rin told me the story of the nine tail demon fox, and how they came here to Thunderdome."

"They had to flee their homeworld since they were seen as evil, and wicked race."

"Demon foxes are not evil because they have demonic change, nor because they use shadow magic."

"Some are evil of course, but that goes for every race out there." Says Lilly.

"I don't even know what to say, execpt you have a tough life in front of you, a lot of bloodshed will come in your future..." Says greenwod.

" Second mother, rebirth, removing the cat bloodline, overwrite it with nine tail demon fox bloodline...? You really know how to shock us to the core. Says Lilly's mother.

"hehe, a lot will happen in my life right dad?"

Greenwood shakes his head and sighs. "You are right. your life will be arduous, even I can not imagine what you will go threw..."

"He is right you know. Please take it easy, I don't want to lose my daughter." Says Lilly's mom.

"Don't worry Soo much, I won't die so easily, I have many years a head of me, a lot to do a lot to experience hehe. Says Lilly.