Upcoming tournament.

Blue night says. "I forgot to mention in one month there will be a tournament here in the tribe. Everyone who has started cultivating will enter, show of their skills, and talents."

"I am planning on having the two of you to enter, not only do you have to train all the way down to your bones, you also have to be number one. During these two months, the two of you will enter the forest to train against beasts. Lilly has already been fighting agaisnt a beast, so she will go alone."

"This way I can keep my focus on Rose, since I know Lilly can handle herself, not only is she stronger then you Rose, but she is also more fierce. This is thanks to her primal insticts awakening, the way they did..."

"So I will hand the two of you new clothes that will make it easier for the two of you to fight in.

Rose taps her spatial ring taking out two outfits. The first outfit, is made out of leather, the blouse is light brown in color, very thin, the sew marks have green color, on it. Meaning it is sewn with gren threads. The same goes for the pants, they are thin, but comfortable to wear, I also have a leather hat fitting the outfit, and a black green leather belt."

"I am planning on handing this one to Lilly, since I believe she would fit wearing it. The second outfit is made out of cloth and red beast fur, the pants are black in color, and has red sewn threads and a red fur from the hip area down to her knees. this one is for Rose." Blue night says satisfied.

Blue night throws the two outfits towards Lilly, and Rose.

They both take the outfits.

Lilly asks, slightly embarassed. "Are we supposed to shift in the open right now...?"

Blue night nods firmly.

"Lilly sighs and starts to strip down revealing her long beast claw mark, that covers her chest area all the way down to her stomach. Lilly has a thin slender, body with some muscles. Lilly hurriedly puts on the leather blouse, and the leather pants, and her black leather shoes. Lilly takes it slowly fastening her belt so that it hangs abit down, looking slightly sloopy, she then puts on the leather hat."

Lilly slowly moves testing out her new clothes. The clothes are pretty airy, not tight, easy to move in.

Lilly says. "I like it, it is very comfortable to wear, not too tight, easy to manevour in, I do feel like a pheasent wearing this."

"I don't mind looking like a pheasent tho, that will naturally make my opponents underestimate me, hehe, they will get a nice suprise during our." Lilly coughs lightly. "Sparring that is." She says with a wide grin.

Blue night says coldly."I thought you were more innocent then that... It has to have something to do with your primal insticts, that thirst for violence... Or it could be your darkness attribute, slowly corrupting you, or perhaps both..." Blue night sighs loudly shaking her head.

"Even I can not explain my thirst for violence, it's not like I am a violent person... Am I really violent...? I can't have changed so much during the two weeks I were gone right?" Lilly asks...

"I have no idea... My speculation has something to do with your darkness attribute and your primal insticts. Some beasts have a wicked part of themselves, that they can not help. In the beginning they may not, be like it, but in the future their true nature will fully bloom" Blue night replies.

"So what you are saying, my bloodline, has something to do with, my sudden change in personality? I can't be that different can I?" Lilly asks slightly worried.

"Your stubborness is still there, but you were never this violent. Nor did you have such thirst. If it is a good thing or not I do not know. Only time will tell, if you become evil or not. If you only become a violent person, who still has morals left, then I think I should be satisfied." Blue night replies.

"I do not wish to become evil either, I highly doubt I will become someone like that, I may have too much thirst for violence now, but that does not mean I want to kill anyone!" Lilly says back firmly.

"I hope you are right. I can not help getting worried about your behaviour. Especially since I won't be able to watch you for the next month. Whatever happens, don't become evil on me." Blue night says.

"Don't worry I wont become evil..." Lilly replies with a sigh.

"How on earth can she keep talking to me like this, she does not know that I actually are almost thirty years old. Well, im not really acting like a child either. If I were as old as my former life, I would understand her worry. Either way I know she has good intentions." Lilly thinks for herself.

"I will take my leave now" Lilly says and suddenly runs of into the forest.

Lilly runs around using her jaguar speed, to quickly manevour in the thick forest.

"I am going to see if I can find a beast who relies on strength, like a gorilla, rhino, ox, or a bear. Following the quality build."

"There are many stages, when it comes to the quality build. First stage is gathering two beast signs, second stage has two methods, one is merging the two beast mark into one, or keep them separated. If you keep them separated, you can still use both of them, but there would be a cooldown untill you can use it again."

"The good thing with using the second method, is that you will naturally gain full strength of the beast and the agility, the downside is the cooldown, that lasts thirty seconds. The first method is simply merging them together, gaining both of them, but you would only be able to use both of them only, the speed and the strength is reduced."

"If I go for the second method I can still merge them in the future, but that would actually be very stupid. Following the first method I have to constantly renew the beast signs, once I reach further in my cultivation, and I would need to kill two new ones only to merge those two once again."

"The second method will actually allow me to do the same as the first one, but I instead of fusing them together, I can fuse strength with strength, agility with agility. That means I can enhance the two of them, on top of their previous once. There is a limit to it tho. I may become faster then, someone around my level."

"There is still a limit to how many times I can enhance them. Being faster then the ones at my own level, only applies to people, who do not focus on speed at all. If there is someone who focuses on speed and naturally haven't had the chance to kill a very fast beast, there is still a chance I can beat that person, based on my strength and speed."

"That is a really big if. Based on the information I have about the quality build, the second one is truly much stronger, since you can enhance them later on, but it does not say I can do that later. For now I will merge the two, so that I can at least be a good contestant during the tournament hehe." Lilly thinks for herself with a wide grin.