The Begining ( Really? )

P.O.V of last Exile

clack clack, clack

'Urrrgh oh no where am I?' hm? EEEEEEEK!!!!!' I cried out as I saw 2 skeleton infront of me standing, in panic my two pale white and skinny hand cover my face for, eh? eh? 'EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH?' or so thats what I thought, my pale white and skinny hand is gone? they're all GONE!!!! what i saw is my skeleton body— 'EEEEEEHHHHHHH?' im a skeleton? before I tried to compose my self I heard clack~ clack clack clack clack~ this! MORSE CODE!?


P.O.V of Tempest

when I open my eyes im already a skeleton, really, a skeleton! without any other feature, hmmm? almost 25 second later I saw 3 other skeleton standing, first on my right, on my back then on my southeast, I wait for another 25 seconds and nothing happen other than the pile of skeleton and other 3 standing. I'd test Morse Code to be sure of what was my hunch as I claking my upper and my lower jaw repeatedly.

clack~ clack clack clack clack~

I grinned, as I thought its them, but before I try something- GRRRRRRROOOOOOWWWAAA, in a forest, yes were in a forest, it trembles, the forest was shaking because of those howl, wait— this! I know this kind roar, not a wild beast but a human?! as a man sleeping and eating in a battlefield, this anger, this killing intent, getting nearer and nearer, and then I saw a faint silhouette hundred meters away.

clack clack clack clack~ (stay back) using MC (Morse Code) signal and wave my skelly hand backward. If its them, within 2 months of our Friendship or should I say, life and death situation of our final mission, they'll surely know my action, or so I thought. From my back, one of the 3 skelly dashes forward to where? I don't know but on my northwest at most 45 degree, theres a sword there, a two handed chinese sword almost 1.5 meters in length, like an excalibur it pierce but on pile skeleton and not on a stone.