chapter 29 : different cultures

" So, in addition to being a camper, you are... also a shameless, dirty fighter. You... " Shaking his head, Lion once again looked at Luke, this time with a more understanding face? " Really should have suffered. " Nodding at the side, Andrea added " Yay, having to resort to... that to win your fights, you should have really been put against the impossible. "

Being shocked by their reactions at first, Luke began to tear up. He was finally understood. People finally understood his suffering. He has nothing to say about the blue-skinned ogre but the purple-skinned one was just too much. He always thought that no one would accept him if he revealed his title but now, he was reassured. There are other people out there who could relate to his experience.

" You don't know how much these words touch me. " With teary eyes, he approached them for a hug but was lightly repelled by Lion " Well... Even though we can relate to your situation, there are limits my friend. "

With a wronged face, Luke said " Ughh, this hurts more than I thought it would. " Shaking his head to get rid of embarrass-useless thoughts, Luke changed the subject to something he was really curious about

" Is it rare to have two elements? "

Expecting him to ask this question at one point, Andrea, who was directly concerned answered him. " Yeah, it is. Like... there are less than a hundred billion in the entire universe. This may seem like much but there are less than one for every supercluster. Furthermore, having two mid-grade ones or, in your case, a high grade and a mid-grade is extremely incredible.

If my memory doesn't fail me, there appeared... ten million or something in the 13 billion years of the universe's existence. A lot of them died but some are still alive and are powerhouses. "

Nodding in understanding, Luke then asked about something that may seem irrelevant, but that he really would like to know " How is the society in the universe? Like, is it organized or something? Is there a god? "

Thinking for a while, Lion calmly replied

" Yeah, it's like a bunch of allies organized in a loose administration. As for a god... well, there are some people who would fit that title. They are beings capable of creating galaxies so yeah I guess. They are tier 9 by the way.

Ah, and, if you want a specific example of society, I can talk about mine. "

Curious about it, Luke asked him to continue

" Well, my lionman clan owns a few galaxies. We have a sort of royal family, governed by an empress with multiple tribes serving us. We, of course, live on planets but some monks prefer to live on their spatial shuttles. "

" So, you're royalty... you said empress, so is your family a matriarchal one? "

" Yeah, the founder of our empire and clan was a woman. Since then, most of the strongest of our clan were women as well. As it's the strongest that becomes the emperor/empress, there were actually very few emperors. Oh, and, in my clan, brothers are forced to marry the same woman to maintain the clan's purity.

It's an efficient way as it permitted my birth. "

Stunned at first, Luke then nodded in understanding, ignoring Lion's boasting. Thinking about it, this seemed almost logical, not that he would accept that himself. Though being tactful, he didn't ask if he felt weird about it, this was his norm.

Andrea who was listening to their conversation also butted in. " My clan is also a matriarchal one, it's just that we are looser in terms of bloodline as it's not that important. Though, being the strongest sex is nice. Most patriarchal clans or families repress their female members from what a friend of mine told me. How is it like on your planet? "

Trying to find the right words, Luke replied, but quite unsure " Well, in some areas, it's patriarchal to the extreme, while in others, it's almost fair. Almost. "

With a disgusted expression, Andrea spat " I certainly wouldn't want to live on this sort of archaic, unlogical and dumb planet. "

Shrugging, Luke calmly added " That's just millions of years of habits, good or bad ones, that's how my world is.

Anyway, I remarked something about mind power. I feel like I can act on my surroundings but I can't, do you know why? "

Blinking his eyes and once again sighing at a new species' ignorance, Lion answered " That's because it's something only tier 4 and above can really use. Under that, we can only feel it at most. It's a kind of telekinesis but

everyone has it because it comes from mind power. People are only really capable of telekinesis at tier 4, which demarcates them even more from lower levels.

By the way, those who awakened telekinesis as their ability will combine mind power and stamina to use it, making it stronger. But, after tier 6, the telekinesis ability basically becomes useless, though, with the low number of tier 7, it's not really a disadvantage"

Shaking her head, Andrea snickered " You are not concerned though. Moreover, with your useless double attribute, you are more disadvantaged, though, space in and of itself is already exceptionally good as an element. "

Looking at her bracelet, that also seemed to serve as a watch, she added " Anyway, time is up, see you later on the chat. "

" Yeah, see you."

* You will now be teleported back to your living quarters. *

With that, Luke was once again blinded by the violet light and reappeared in front of the monolith. Seeing no one around, he simply went back to his house and browsed the shop. There was something he wanted to buy.

' shop, tools, tier two: Road to craziness. '