when the fight started sam thought the faceless was an autonomous being, no soul and not really alive a puppet of some kind. so the best way to beat it destroy its power source it wasn't in the head if it was the head would have grown a new body not the body growing a new head. so he stabbed it in the chest sending a pulse of mana through the blade into the body to do some damage, all he got was a leg to the chest. 'okay so I don't know what to do now I guess I can hit it until it breaks!'"

'technically that is knowing what to do, also my lord your line of thinking was on track this creature is a puppet and has a power source but it is not located in its body. while the helper spoke sam was busy dealing damage alongside his friends, he informed them of the power source issue.

"so what you're saying is that we find the source we can win this fight!" Daniel asked before drawing a rune sam sorta recognized someone used that one him. the finished rune turned into a glow around one of his hands, daniel slammed his glowing hand into the ground. pulsing of energy spread across the ground Garry delt with the faceless wile daniel deciphered the results of his rune and sam had flashbacks. he found the power source, daniel stood up ready to tell his friends when he saw a faraway look in sam's eyes, "dud are you alright?"

shacking his head sam focused on the present," sorry just relived the first time I got stabbed in the lungs. who stabs a ... how old was I?" pushing that train of thought away for later sam assisted Garry.

"so I know where the power source is!"

"where?" Garry asked while sam put his teenth in the faceless's arm," and why are you bitting it?"

"it twentyish feet downward and he bit because according to him his teeth are stronger than then a katana!"

'wtf does that mean?' Garry asked himself after he blasted a streaming fire as the ground. seeing this sam tore off the arm before hitting the faceless with it, spitting out the arm he asked what the fuck Garry was doing." burning the ground away!"

"those flame are not hot enough your sourcing the earth there is a difference!" sam flipped the faceless into the fire." daniel do you remember the Peirce rune, use it to mark the spot on the power source!" he then dived into the fire shocked Garry making it. unsurprisingly sam was unharmed currently trying to put the faceless in a hold but the things\ were triple joined or something so resorted to biting it again in the neck.

while Daniel did as he was told Garry watched sam wondering what was he planning and why he was bitting again. when the ground was marked sam traded places with Garry." fuck I forgot about the cores! man, I'm gonna need a lot of burn cream." every bit of mana in his flesh condensed into a fingertip only a moment and it was already turning red. he slides to a stop atop the mark daniel made, "pierce everything even the gods" the faceless crumped to dust not a moment later.

a moment of silence passed before sam started cursing up his storm, his finger was a fourth-degree burn, and man that hurt. taking a forceful steady breath he lowered his sense of touch, when he was feeling less pain sam turned to his friends was were laying on the ground trying to catch their breath." so how was that?" just before the world started shaking, "他妈的!"

the space they were in was quickly turning to dust? no more like fog. sam quickly opened this third eye to observe the state of the space." okay I have good news and bad news, space is collapsing around us but we won't die but it will hurt like Черт возьми" saying this sam walked over to his friends who were trying to stand aided by a burst of adrenaline. he grabbed an arm each when space collapsed he didn't want to lose them using his third eye he found the ley lines of the realm and looking deeper to the lines of the earth. he dragged his friends to a spot where the ley lines met avoided a sinkhole and falling rocks, the grouped up over the crossing ley lines.

"waiting is always the worst part of these situations," Sam said to his friends ignoring the destruction around them and the warm feeling in his chest at the trust they were showing him. he could see there fear from the possibility they could die in this mini world, but they weren't trying to run even though their eyes said that wanted to.

"dud are you humming? stopped to tell Garry that it was something to do while they waited. daniel joined sam in the humming but with a different tone more cheery than sam's horror movie film one. 'These two are nuts, and so am I' he started humming a rock song he heard on the radio. the three hummed their own tone competing to drown the others out. Garry and daniel's humming turned to screams after the ground gave way under them, daniel had screamed at sam that his tune wasn't helping his heart.

"ugh, ow, where are we?"

"near a bakery, probably an alley"

"How can you-?"

"I can smell pie, let's get some!" the other two agreed and the peeling themselves off the ground sam didn't bother to try and clean up his appearance, as the other two did. instead, he followed his nose it took his out the alley and down the road to sweetooth bakery. he pushed open the door to see a man putting together a puzzle next to the cash register.

"Welcome to sweetooth were there a sweet for every tooth!" the man didn't even look up from the puzzle. "what kind of sweet are you looking for?"

"pie," sam answered curtly something was strange about this shop he jumped when Garry and Daniel arrived.

"What kind of pie? we sell quite a few!" as he saw that the man pulled out folder a paper folder listing the 41 pies sold in wholes or slices." pick whatever you like vegal lost and -"

"We never said our names!" now they all were on guard.

"that right you didn't tell me yet not that it matters...your pies are ready!" they hadn't ordered yet but before they could say this they were holding something." banana cream slice for daniel, a slice of chocolate and apple for Garry, and a whole key lime for sam!"

"who the fuck are you?!" sam said as he lept towards the baker but he never made it before the next thing he knew he was standing in the driveway of his house.

I'm so sorry to spoke you I just can't resist meeting my child's lords they are the most interesting beings in his universe. don't worry about paying for the pie think of it as a gift for defeat the first of the lust beast servents.

"what the hell was that!!" sam screamed daniel and Garry stood behind him dumbfounded holding the pies.

'my lord I don't know who or what that was but you will not be able to take, him the source may not be able to!' the helper honestly sounded afraid and that spooked sam more than the words they had said. *SMACK daniel and Garry jumped at the sound of flesh hitting flesh they looked at the source to see their raven friend's cheek turning pink.

"well that was new, life is full of surprises huh!?" with that sam stood up and headed inside leaving the other two dumbfounded. he got over that way to quickly as it took them a bit longer to take control of there limbs when they came inside sam was making some tea." this will do wonder for the aching you should be noticing now!" he was right they could feel there limbs starting to ache daniel more so. sam made another tee for himself one that would help with his mana scorched fingers before grabbing some plates so they could have their pie.

*couch! cough!* "oh I forgot how to warn you this tea is incredibly bitter add lots of sugar," sam said this before taking a sip of his own tea sense of taste long gone. then they took a bit of the pie they were beyond surprised by the taste it was otherworldly, heavily. it didn't last long each disappointed when they finished it off, "I still don't know or what he was but I know this he makes good pies." sipping more of the tea sam tried to remember where the mana burn cream was his healing could take about a mouth unassisted.

leaving his friend at the table he grabbed the cream from his waist land called a closet, as he applied it to his fingers he return his friends with the medkit under his arms. the vegal medkit was large like two duffle bags large and surprising it was this big before sam it made one wonder what the fuck does Cora do for a living. but sam didn't mind it was very useful to him and anyone he dragged home usually bleeding, today he used it to patch up his friend who not to injured were experiencing major muscle pains. rubbing some cream onto daniel's arm to deal with his own mana burns he handed Garry some compresses.

"-earlier today about thirty people collapsed simultaneously less than an hour ago, as of yet they have not regained conciseness. experts are baffled as all of they are in great health showing no sign of anything that would cause them to faint, the police believe this could be some kind of attack from some kind of terrorist gr-" at that point sam changed the channel.

"I don't like being called a terrorist," he mumbled as he wrapped his fingers.

"please tell me that the fainting isn't our fault!" daniel asked as he rubbed his bandages.

"I can't be certain," daniel just gave him a look before turning to the game show. eye on the show sam asked the helper a question,' so what exactly was all that with the faceless?'

'the beast of lust escape attempts, by having the puppets it created gather enough lust power it can break from free its cage. it works sim-'

'how many?' sam asked.

'i detected almost five hundred on this planet alone, there is no number for the amount across the universe

'can you find more on the island?'

'yes approximately twelve dozen....my lord?'

'i will deal with those on my own time, for now, cloud stone is arriving soon is arriving soon and I need to sculpt.' then he realized something "where the fuck is my bag?" his friend froze noticing the lack of there own bags. "fuck!" Garry summed up the situation pretty well apparently he had about a hundred credits worth of items in his bag.

"look when can probably find them, I know there's a good chance that there all still on the island. if we use a circular search pattern I bet we can fin-" sam was cut off by said bags dropping at there feet and laughter in the air. "seriously who the fuck is he?" sam was on edge that kind of power even without malicious intent was unnerving for him he hasn't been this outmatched since...? "when was the last time I was this outmatched like this?"

choosing to look through his like book later sam grabbed his bag checking the contents, after he saw satisfied he return to his sculpting plans. neither of his friends commented both of them tried to peak at his drawing with painful results, time passed a bit before he showed them a picture asking if it would make a good flying statue. "when did you do the paperwork for this?" Garry didn't need the black look from Sam to know that didn't happen. the raven had a vague idea of how the law worked. "know what I'll deal with the paperwork and use this will look like a great statue, "don't you dare S-" he didn't get a chance to finish as the raven wrapped his arms around him.

hugs from sam were weird the guy was cooler than most people that made his hugs cool not bad in the middle of summer. but it was just apart of the strange that was sam, huffing Garry relaxed in the hugs enjoying the cool skin until sam released him. briefly wondered if he was imagining it but sam felt warmer than usual closer to the average person. when he was free from the arms he asked questions, specific one about the status that sam had no answers for. apparently, he was planning to wing the entire thing, "you can not wing a flying statue someone could get hurt by it....like a plane flying into it" he added on as an example.

"why do you need a flying statue?" daniel asked a very good question.

"I wish to put beautiful art in the world," sam said some incredible bullshit. neither of his friends bought it, "okay I need them to work smarter on a certain thing!"

"does it have anything to do with the thing we fought?"

"Everything!" he also mentions that they did want to know more, "plausibly deniability!"

"you worry me so much you know that right" Garry said before looking back at the tv. sam laughed as he did the same daniel wondering many things. a few minutes passed before sam got a message on his bracelet, it was from the warfare league. his next match had been decided and his cheer attracted the other teen's attention." I know this guy, I fought him before," apparently Garry was part of the warfare league that seems like something to look forward to.

"is he a good fight?" that was all sam wanted to know? Garry made a so-so gesture," he can throw a decent punch but he all ways tries for dirty blows."

"boo! dirty blow doesn't work on me," both daniel and Garry asked what the fuck that meant, "well between high pain tolerance and high regeneration low blows don't so much. why is this fight in a few days?" at that Garry told him scheduling based on popularity his opponent was fairly popular and sam probably earned himself some with his brutality mainly.