I Love Learning

"My darlings~" I coed as I started kissing my dogs' faces. They're so cute I want cuddle them forever. "What should I do on Monday? I'll have to see Shen Jin's face. I should have just played it cool yesterday! I mean I could've just said 'Yeah it's been a long time, how are you?' but nooooooo my awkward self just had to malfunction because of his handsome face!" I ranted at them.

I look at Skye's eyes. "Do you think Daddy's a loser for loosing his composure?" I was greeted with silence then he licked my face. I smiled brightly while continuing with the cuddle session. "I knew my baby still loves me!"

"How about you Blu?" Blu gave out a bark. "Aweee I love you too!"

"Whatever happens on Monday I'll just wing it." I said in a sigh.


As I was walking towards my classroom I saw Andrei Rico by the lockers talking with his friends. The moment we made eye contact I winked at him but sadly he gave me a glare in return. I saw his friends turn my way then scoffed at me afterwards. They returned to talking, some are occasionally glancing my way, obviously they have a new topic to discuss.

I chose to ignored them and continued my journey towards my classroom. When I entered, Ivory greeted me with a good morning along with Lucas.

"Hey man, where were you this weekend? We tried contacting you but you didn't show up to hang out. Nagisa kept bitching about you not coming." Lucas asked.

Ah well I was busy thinking of counter measures on how to interact with the ridiculously beautiful childhood friend to care about any of you. And fuck Nagisa, she's been trying to make me 'straight' by seducing me everytime we see each other. I'm 100% straight, it's just that she had slept with countless people and all of them were in relationships. I don't want to even be close to her lest I catch some unknown disease. I bet it's because her mother was a home wrecking mistress. Oops I didn't mean to spill her dirty laundry, sorry not sorry. She's only interested in me because I can be her new conquest, her new achievement cause she thinks I'm gay.

"I just shut myself at home all weekend, I didn't really feel like hanging out and thank the heavens I didn't. I don't want to see Nagisa's face ever again." I shivered in disgust.

Ivory just laughed. "Well Bai, if you just sleep with her maybe she'll stop."

I smirked. "I would rather sleep with you, Ivory."

Ivory looks at me mortified. "Hello I swing the opposite team as you." Opposite team? What the fuck. Even Ivory thinks I'm gay?

"I meant literally sleep, cause you look so soft and squishy."

"Are you calling me fat?" She raised one of her perfectly done eyebrows at me.

I shook my head laughing. "No, you're just plump in all the right places."

Ivory looks at her own boobs. "Right.... if a girl would say that to me. That would be great."

"Okay!" Lucas interrupted. "I have a party coming up this Friday. "

"Can't come, I'll be eating dinner with my sister." I informed. I don't like parties that Lucas throws.

Ivory rolled her eyes. "You have a party every other week, Lucas. What's the occasion this time?"

"We're celebrating the fact that we're still young and need to enjoy life." Enjoy life? You enjoy to the point where drugs are involved.

"That was your theme two months ago." I deadpanned.

"That's because everyday should be a celebration that were young and free!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Then I can't wait to see the today you get old and wrinkly." I said.

Lucas just rolled his eyes at me. "Then the theme by then will be enjoy life before you die!"

Then suddenly the surrounding chatter stop. I look at the entrance and I saw the almighty Shen Jin enter. Okay Qin Bai, play it cool.

When we locked eyes, my breath was instantly taken away as he started making his way towards me. How can there be such a good looking person? This should be illegal!

"Good morning, Bai." His voice can make anyone fall under his spell.

"Good Morning." I managed to spit out. You're doing great Bai! Now all you have to do is add confidence in the way you're speaking.

"Not ignoring me anymore?" He quirks one of his eyebrows.

I laughed in an awkward manner. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how I kept calling your name but you just ignored me."

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't ignoring you, I just love learning you know? That's why I was intently listening to the teacher so I didn't notice." Nice self! Sarcasm is your best weapon!

He looked at me amused. "You love learning so much that you left in the middle of the class? "

Shit. He speaks sarcasm as well. If Shen Jin was a girl we'd be such a perfect match. "I went to the bathroom."

"Right. You just didn't want to bother telling the teacher?"

"Yeah, too troublesome."

Shen Jin just snickered. "He misunderstood you know? He thought you were being disrespectful just leaving the class like that and NOT RETURNING." He emphasized the last two words.

"Ah well can't do anything about it now." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You-" The bell rings cutting off what he was about to say.

As if on cue the teacher went in. "Alright class take your seats."


I was doodling some chibi anime characters when I was interrupted by a note landing on my note book. I look at Shen Jin as he looked straight at the board.

[You sure do look like someone who's eager to learn. - SJ]

[Drawing helps me listen better - QB]

At the corner of my eye I saw him smile which sent my heart on a steroid stimulus.

[I doubt a troublemaker like you is actually listening to the teacher. -SJ]

I crunched up my eyebrows. Troublemaker huh? Didn't think he was the type to listen to rumors. How disappointing.

[Troublemaker huh? What rumor is it this time? -QB]

I heard a low chuckle beside me, his velvet voice sending shivers down my spine. Hot damn.

[I didn't hear any rumors. I'm not fond of gossip. I think you're a troublemaker because you can easily skip class without thinking of the consequences. -SJ]

Oh. So that's why, it makes sense. l unconsciously let out a smile.

[Not good of a first impression, if you can call that a first impression. -QB]

[I find it very amusing -SJ

[I'm glad to entertain -QB]

I didn't look at his expression anymore because I might die of a heart attack.