After about 40 minutes Chiron had called eleven names. Parents hands were starting to chafe from all the clapping but the excitement in the room was also starting to build. The last girl who had been called had a potential score of 720. Everyone there was able to figure out that the next five people were going to have potential scores that all the elite teams would be interested in. Even if only five or ten points higher if was enough to pique their interest and they had heard from Isabel's dad that she was far above the 730 minimum.
Jayce's back had been sweating more profusely with each name called. "I'm not going to be last, am I? I had a negative ten! No their probably just trolling me for all the pranks that I pulled on Chiron over the years. This joke should stop now. Chiron isn't going to let me stand in the way of impressing Isabel's dad." Jayce constantly was trying to reassure himself he wasn't going to be the last name called up. He almost wailed in exasperation when the next name to be called was, in fact, Isabel's.
After she received her diploma a loud whistle was heard and everyone turned their head to see her father clapping wildly while the butlers also did their best to look enthusiastic. Mr. Wallace clapped until he was the only one clapping and then he sheepishly sat down and smiled wide.
Chiron took the mic again, "Parents, esteemed guests, Ms. Wallace's potential score is a whopping 755! She has been one of my star pupils since she started here and I am beyond proud to be a part of her growth. I will personally vouch for any reference interviews that any teams may be considering." His beaming smile seemed to be blinding to the students sitting just below him but the parents had begun clapping again hearing her score announced. 755 was certainly a potential that would get noticed and they were excited to think about what her future might hold.
Jane Good's clapping was starting to falter though. "Jayce said he was just above average but average for a human is only 530." She searched the student section to see if her son was looking at her but all she saw was his greasy hair looking back at her. She "humphed" to herself and then began wondering if her son had pulled a prank on her. "If he actually has the highest score then I'll take him out for more than ice cream, right after I yell at him for lying to me."
Isabel exited the stage oozing with class and it was obvious to all that she had impeccable manners. This led to quite a few parents nodding with approval to her father who seemed about to burst with happiness. One of the butlers handed him a handkerchief in case he was to start weeping with joy.
After the audience had finally ceased clapping Chiron stepped back up to the podium. "Now with the fourth highest score in this years class may I present to you, Mr. Ralnas Marrow!" Spectators leaned forward to look at this 16-year-old kid who had a potential score above 755. Ralnas stood purposely and tried to look as confident as he could while he quivered on the inside. Each step he took looked deliberate to the audience but it was really because he was having to force himself to move or he would faint right then and there. Climbing the steps to the podium he shook Chiron's hand and took his diploma with trembling hands. Chiron leaned down and whispered in his ear, "If your parents were here they would be so proud of you." Ralnas smiled and then looked at into the audience and wave briefly before turning to return back to his seat.
Chiron took the mic and continued, "Mr. Marrow scored an exceptional 800 on the potential score test yesterday. Which I must admit surprised me quite a bit. However, I fully agree with the assessment and would be happy to support any teams interest in talking to him." The audience clapped again for a long time before the tension in the air ratcheted up another level. With only three students left and all of them above 800 potential, the whole gymnasium seemed like it was filled with anticipation.
Both Jayce and his mom were starstruck. "How the hell am I above 800?" Jayce wondered. "Oh my god is he above 800?" Jane wondered at the same time. Neither one was sure what was going on. But Jane was brimming with excitement while Jayce desperately wanted to find a deep hole and scurry into it. They both thought, "Is this really happening?"
Chiron seemed to be taking longer and longer between each students name being called. He was relishing the drama and was milking it for all that it had. After taking his longest dramatic pause yet he proceeded to call the next name. "Now Mr. Marrow has a sister and she has surpassed her older brother in potential. Even though she is nine months younger than her brother she handled the schooling as well as anyone here and I am proud to introduce you to the third highest scoring student, Jenira Marrow!"
Jenira stood up and did her best not to glance in the direction where Leon Roberts was sitting so she could avoid blushing on stage. She climbed on stage quickly and shook her professor's hand before he whispered the same thing he had to Ralnas in her ear. Jenira choked back tears and smiled at Mr. Chiron. She then turned to the audience and bowed before heading off the stage to a long and loud applause from everyone in the building.
"Ms. Marrow scored an incredible 805 on the potential test and she has quietly gone about her business here at school. She would make a great addition to any team." Chiron stepped back and clapped for Jenira with the rest of the audience for a few more seconds before everyone's eyes shot back up to him begging him in their hearts to not drag it out longer than last time.
Alas, their prayers were not answered and Chiron again took his time preparing to call the next student. Some of the parents felt like just running up to the front and reading the damn name off themselves but restrained themselves when Chiron coughed to clear his throat. "Now this student has been the most accomplished male student in this school for some time and I admit that while being surprised by how high he scored I am not shocked. As for a weird coincidence, he is also best friends with the Marrow's so maybe high-level talent instinctively seek each other out? Ah, but you don't want to hear my theories you want to hear the name of this student."
One of the dads in the audience yelled, "Just get on with it!" To which quite a few parents laughed and nodded their heads. Chiron smiled knowing he was probably overdoing it but couldn't help himself. The last time he had an audience enraptured like this was back on Earth during their college awards night. That feeling was addicting and he was doing his best to satisfy himself with this night in case it never happened again.
"My apologies everyone I promise not to monologue as much. This student has no last name as far as I'm aware." He glanced at Micu who nodded his head to confirm. "Micu please come up to receive your diploma!"
All the students were stunned. If Micu is second then the only person left was... Jayce. 14 heads turned to look at him in unison. Jayce's face was the color of a ghost and he looked like he was about to cry.
Micu and the spectators, on the other hand, were basking in the moment. Micu walked clinically up the podium and shook his professor's hand. He briefly faced the audience before he looked to two faces leaning against the wall and waved to them. They responded with huge waves of their own and loud cheers of pride. Jenira had never seen Micu's parents but assumed that must be them. She studied them and tried to remember their faces to make sure she talked to them later.
Meanwhile, Ralnas was holding Jayce's hand and reassuring him that this wasn't a huge prank by Chiron while wondering the same thing himself. He knew Jayce hated being last more than anything. In fact, he had one time almost fought another student to not have to be last in line. Ralnas thought to himself ruefully, "Of course if it comes to being on time or waking up Jayce couldn't ever be anything other than last."
Jayce felt like he was dead or dying or about to die at any moment. "Mom please save me. Don't let this man torture me like this in front of all my friends." Jayce was frantically searching for any signs that he was about to be pranked. He searched for water buckets above the podium, poppers hidden behind lights, slippery spots on the floor, looking at places where he would have positioned pranks of his own. Not seeing a single thing out of place this only made Jayce more paranoid.
Chiron was delighting in Jayce's misfortune but knew he still had to praise Micu or it would be too suspicious to the audience. "Micu has excelled in every task set before him at this school. I rarely have found a student to be so knowledgeable and I consider him an equal when it comes to battlefield tactics. Micu may not say much but what he says always carries weight and is worth acknowledging. I can't think of a team that wouldn't benefit from having Micu on their team." Chiron paused for dramatic effect, loving the way the audience was inching forward to hear him better. "Oh, by the way, his potential score is 900."
Shock struck the building and a dozen reporters began making notes and taking pictures of Micu standing proudly on stage. A couple of observant parents noticed that the elite team members were also taking notes and speaking into their watches.
Micu stood still with a slight smile on his face as he waited for the photographers to finish taking pictures before he strode confidently off the stage. Like Isabel, he seemed to ooze class and many parents wondered just who this kid was and what his parents did.
Jayce was on the verge of throwing up from nerves when he saw Chiron step back to the microphone. "Oh no," he thought.
"I appreciate you all indulging my dramatic side for the last hour but it seems our time is finally coming to a close."
"Oh no..." Jayce whispered to himself.
"Now we have one more student to introduce."
"OH NO!"
"He has played quite a few pranks on this old teacher throughout his ten years here."
"And I admit that I am getting some satisfaction from watching him squirm, you see, he hates being last."
"But this is no trick, there is no prank. Mr. Jayce Good, I am happy to call you to the front to receive your diploma." Chiron smiled warmly at Jayce.
Jayce's mind went blank, "wait, what?"