
Ralnas and Isabel sat at a small table as they watched Tara's interview with Jayce. Ralnas watched his friend with pride. "This went a little better than our last interview." Isabel laughed, "I saw that one! It seemed like there was something going on during commercial breaks." Ralnas nodded, "It was absolutely crazy. Jayce thought of this plan to get back at Leon for lying to us. It was like a dream." Isabel continued to listen to him with rapt attention and Ralnas basked in it.

"Why did we never hang out like this during school?" Ralnas asked suddenly. Isabel frowned, "My friends didn't really like you four. So it was them or you. I didn't really know you so I chose them." Ralnas smirked, "And now that you've spent time with me would you still choose them? She smiled, "Maybe." Ralnas raised an eyebrow, "Maybe?" She nodded. "It's a start I guess," Ralnas laughed. "But I'd like to spend more time with you sometime. If you want of course." Isabel said nervously. Ralnas just grinned. "You're pretty cool. I don't mind hanging out with you more." She smiled relieved he hadn't rejected her outright and the two quickly began reminiscing into another conversation about their time at Chiron's.


Micu was lounging on the couch with his feet propped against the armrest. As he was absentmindedly scrolling through his Ripple feed he noticed that Isabel had recently posted a picture. As he tapped on the picture his face darkened. A picture of Ralnas and Isabel at a casual restaurant was displayed with him having a hand around her shoulders. The caption of the picture read, "New friends from old acquaintances" with a variety of smiling emoticons following.

Micu glared at the photo with red-hot blood pounding in his head. Feeling betrayed he laid his head down on the couch and stared at the photo agonizing over every little detail. He decided to wait until Ralnas arrived and confront him.

A few hours later a tired Ralnas opened the door to their small apartment. He was surprised to see Micu sitting on the couch at this late night. " Shouldn't you be in bed? It's past your bedtime." Micu didn't turn to acknowledge him. "I couldn't sleep." Ralnas felt something was off with his friend as he slipped off his shoes next to the door. "You okay?" Micu still didn't turn to look at him. "Yeah. Fine." Ralnas was now sure something was off. "You want to talk about it?" He ventured hopefully. Micu's face quivered as he sat on the couch. His brain was at war with his heart over whether or not he should actually tell Ralnas his feelings. The burning anger he was feeling won out and he stood and turned to face his friend.

"How could you go and have a date with Isabel behind my back?" Ralnas was stunned, "Excuse you?" Micu glared at him. "I saw the picture! I saw your arm around her! How could you do that? You know better than anyone how I feel about her!" Ralnas' face hardened. "You think I would ever betray you like that?" Micu felt he was on the verge of crying tears of helpless fury. "Well the picture sure seems to point to that being the case!" Ralnas anger was now evident on his face. "Fuck you. And fuck you again for thinking I would ever do that to you." He turned to climb the stairs to his room when he felt Micu grab his arm.

"Then tell me what happened when the two of you were alone eating together. Because that sounds like a date to me." Ralnas tried to shake his arm off but Micu held firm. "Are you serious right now? You're acting like a child." Micu squeezed his arm tighter. "Then tell me the truth!" Ralnas turned and threw a punch at Micu. "Let go of me." Micu dodged but was forced to release his grip on Ralnas. "You aren't making it easy to believe you have nothing to hide!" Ralnas face was contorted with rage and pain. "Why would I lie to you? Fuck off and go to bed." He again tried to begin climbing the stairs.

Micu grabbed both of his arms and pulled him down. Ralnas landed on top of him in a heap. "Are you for real right now? You're this crazy about a picture!" "I am because you're the boy in the picture!" Ralnas pushed Micu off of him and stood inches from his face. "Wake the fuck up Micu. Wake the fuck up." Micu glared back at him silently. "You think she gives a fuck about you? Or me? Or any of us?" Micu was momentarily confused by his argument. "Everything has changed and you better realize it before someone uses you as a puppet." Micu wanted to slap him for what he had just said and his gaze turned even more icy towards Ralnas.

Ralnas took a step back. "No one is interested in us at all! They want our power! They want to be close to Jayce! She didn't know my name until Jayce sliced open an actual monster with god powers. That's why she was being nice to me, that's why she'll be nice to you. Realize that now before you get hurt." Micu was dumbstruck. "She's not like that. She wouldn't just use someone like that." Ralnas let a sneering laugh out. "That's all anyone does! Every single person, alien, plant, chair, whatever you can name is only interested in one thing. Themselves!" He turned his back to Micu. "It's about power. It's about getting more before someone else does. It's about me before we." He started climbing the stairs. "You know how many people have hit me up to be my new best friend in the last two days? They want what we have." He paused halfway up the stairs and turned to his ashen friend.

"Jenira is protecting Jayce more than any of us just by taking him off the market. But if he's off the market then they have to go after you or me to get into our team. Isabel wants in on our team. So she's trying to date one of us. Everything in the whole simulation wants to be part of our little four-member club!" He sighed and returned to climbing the stairs. "Maybe one day you'll get that." He slammed the door shut behind him and Micu heard the door lock.

Micu stared at Ralnas' door for a long time. He was unsure if he wanted to understand what he was saying. He didn't want it to be true. He didn't want there to be such a selfish reason behind Isabel being so nice to him in the arena earlier. He didn't want to live in the world where everyone was after them for their reputation and status. But deep down he saw some of the logic in his friend's words and he hated himself for realizing it. Eventually, he sat down on the sofa and stared out into the illuminated night sky. Where before there had been empty space there were now castles extending into the sky. He sighed and knew he wasn't going to be sleeping at all this night.

As he lay there motionless he heard a faint whispering in the back of his head. Turning his head to look around the room he felt a shiver run down his spine as he noticed there was nothing there. Returning his gaze to the front he saw his reflection in the glass window. But it didn't look right. His eyes were cloudy and black. Fangs protruded from his mouth and his head had two small horns jutting from it. He gasped and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them. His reflection was back to normal and he sighed with relief. Then a voice that sounded like it was speaking to him from an endless canyon shattered his momentary relief. "He's just lying. He's trying to take Isabel for himself." Micu glanced around frightened but again saw nothing. "Hello?" He asked quietly.

"He doesn't care about you. He's always preferred Jayce." Micu shook with rage. "Who are you! Show yourself, coward!" A rumbling laugh echoed through his skull and Micu cringed from the pain. "You will see the wisdom in my words soon." Micu whirled around the apartment furiously trying to see who or what was disturbing him. Again he saw nothing and sighed to himself in frustration. He rubbed his temples and sat back on the couch. His mental state shattered he gazed out over the city again. His mind was whirling. Dark thoughts swirled in his brain. Anger manifested itself in his hands as they squeezed tightly into fists. He glared at Ralnas' still closed door.

"What does that thing know that I don't?" He sat forward and leaned his arms on his knees. "And what was it?" He opened his watch and began delving into the deepest corners of the internet to find some leads. "I will find you." He whispered to himself. Micu didn't notice how long he had been up until the early rays of light peaked over the horizon. He felt no closer to understanding what had happened the night before. Sighing to himself he got up and started making some coffee to prepare for the day.


Anna yawned and uncurled herself from the cold bench she had been sleeping on. The faint light of dusk spread before her. She greeted the light with a smile and began her usual morning routine of pacing around the Royal Coliseum. As she walked she noticed that the landscape had begun to change overnight. Where had once been grimy road was now lush walking paths flanked by trees and flowers. Birds flitted through the air. Bugs of a million types hid amongst the foliage. Anna felt a calm presence wash over her. She smiled at the sky and thanked whatever being was responsible for the change. Trees had sprouted overnight and created a canopy that she walked under marveling.

At the end of the path was a gently sloping hill that extended right into the sea it seemed. She stepped to the top of the hill and gazed down the fading green slopes. A thin strip of sand extended far off into the distance. The barest beginnings of a town were forming on the beach. Aliens of all shapes and sizes bustled around building shops, stores, markets, and armories. Anna was intrigued. Half sliding half falling down the hill she made her way into the little town. She ambled through the town quietly taking in the sights and sounds.

A basking gemsbok was hovering near a building that was in the final stages of construction. Anna summoned her courage and approached the hovering squid. "Excuse me? Sir? Or madam?" The gemsbok rotated to face her. Its eyes were kind and it adjusted the settings on its watch before replying to her. "Yes dear, how may I help you?" Anna smiled, "Why is everyone building down here?" A chortling noise echoed from the gemsbok's beak. "You humans are always so cute in your ignorance." It waved a long tentacle over the small town that was forming. "The grand competition draws the most skilled warriors, tacticians, and thinkers from the gathered races. They need supplies. We sell them supplies." Anna nodded slowly.

"So it's just a big mall?" The same chortling noise. "I guess you could call it that. But this is the gateway to people's dreams. Everyone hopes to be the one to claim the grand prize." Anna looked around, "But aren't they going to be fighting in the Overwatcher's name?" The gemsbok looked her up and down. "Hey weren't you that girl they interviewed from team Pure?" Anna shook her head. "I used to be with them. Not anymore." The gemsbok nodded its thick head. "Ah, then I understand. You may join a team but it's not rare for an individual to claim the grand prize for themselves. No matter what banner they're flying." Anna looked up into its large bulbous eyes. "You mean you don't have to give the prize to the Overwatcher you are serving?"

The gemsbok smiled, or at least Anna thought it looked like a smile. "Exactly. You can claim it for whomever you wish." Anna gasped as she considered the possibilities. "Then that's why the Overwatcher's themselves are participating this time?" The gemsbok returned its gaze to the building it had been observing before. "Perhaps? Maybe they just got bored after all these years of watching." Anna watched the finishing touches get added to the building. The name of the store was hoisted onto the front of the building. "Gehm's guns" was proudly displayed in glittering letters. She turned to the gemsbok. "Are you hiring?" The gemsbok swiveled in the air. "Are you interested in working for me?" Anna nodded, " I want to meet all the adventurers who pass through here."

The gemsbok hesitated for a moment before extending a leathery tentacle to Anna. "Name's Gehm. Happy to have you Ms...?" Anna smiled and shook the tentacle. "Anna pleased to meet you, boss." The gemsbok chortled and returned its gaze to its shop. "We open when the competition officially begins. I'll send you your schedule before then." It floated towards the shop. "Want to take a look inside?" Anna quickly followed after his figure.