Micu smiled as his friends approached. "Hey, guys! Anna and I have just been watching the other rounds." Jayce stepped close to his friend's face and examined him carefully. "Uh, Jayce? Did I do something?" Jayce stepped back and shrugged. "He looks normal to me." Ralnas groaned, "Like that told you anything." Micu was internally sweating. He didn't know if Jayce had been able to sense the mysterious voice that had been talking to him. Jenira patted his shoulder awkwardly. "Sorry, Micu. Jayce just gets these crazy ideas sometimes. Don't worry about him." Micu relaxed. "They still don't know," he thought contently to himself. He glanced at Anna who watched the four of them with interest.
"Is this normal?" She asked after Jayce had moved a few feet away from the couch she and Micu were sitting on. Ralnas nodded, "More than you know." Anna giggled before turning to face them with a serious expression on her face. "You should switch me out for Isabel. She's a better fit with your team." All eyes turned to Micu who looked stunned. "Anna, why would you say that?" She hung her head. "You four are exceptional talents. Even without the gods helping you out. I'm barely at your level. I don't want to hold you back. You should take Isabel." Micu shook his head dismissively. "Nope. We asked you to be on our team and that's how it's going to stay. Sorry, Anna, you're stuck with us." She sighed, "No really. It's not hurting my feelings. I see the difference. Please, it'll help you." Micu gazed in her eyes deeply. "We're not changing. You won't change my mind."
Jayce smiled, "There you have it. Like Micu said you're stuck with us now." Anna frowned. "This is really what you want? You have a better chance of beating the Overwatcher's teams if Isabel is with you. I promise I don't mind." Micu stood and started walking towards the preparation room. "Oh, too late Anna! They're calling us to get ready!" Jayce and Ralnas covered their mouths with their hands and scurried after him. A confused Anna looked to Jenira for guidance, "I didn't hear them call our name?" Jenira offered her a hand and pulled her to her feet. "Yeah, they just didn't want to argue anymore. They're still idiots when it comes to social skills." Anna let a smile creep through her determined exterior.
"They won't let me leave?" Jenira shook her head happily. Anna sighed, "Guess we better go to the preparation room then." The two girls followed after the three boys happily making fun of their lack of social etiquette.
The other rounds progressed mostly as expected. The exhausted teams that had been competing since the early morning were brushed away by the Overwatcher's champions. The remaining 12 other teams valiantly fought on but were just too drained from the day to spring any surprises. Jayce and his team breezed through the other lower race teams. Those watching from above remarked on how impressive these five humans were and constantly complimented them on their teamwork and capability. Most of those in the reporting and broadcasting service were throwing their support behind Jayce due to the fact that Overwatcher's didn't require a reporting service. Faced with extinction they had rallied together to support their only hope.
The day crawled forward but all gathered were really just waiting for the final three battles. The bracket had been divided into four groups so it was impossible for any of the major teams to meet each other in any round except the semi-finals and then the finals. As matches ticked down and the hour approached the crowds around the Royal Coliseum increased to unimaginable numbers. The safe zones floated empty as people migrated from their homes to declare their allegiance and to move into the base they would be working in. Chiron had bid a solemn farewell to his school as he locked the doors for the final time and boarded the taxi. Jane and his wife were also red-eyed from having to leave behind so many memories and the three took solace in the sadness of each other.
The sheer volume of people leaving their homes had backed up traffic for hours and the trains flowed non-stop full to the brim bringing people to the officially dubbed "massive hub". The bars were packed to overflowing as every screen in the simulation broadcast the fights going on. Cheers and jeers followed each victory as debates raged in the streets. Alcohol, drugs, stress, and uncertainty whirled through the city and dozens of fights had to be broken up by local security bots. Around the Coliseum itself were hundreds of police watching intently for any signs of fighting. The whole world hung on the precipice desperately waiting for something to show them what they were supposed to do. Many had decided that this competition was to determine their future and waited with bated breath for every battle.
Eventually, movie theaters, outdoor parks, malls, gyms, and every mobile screen in the simulation was commandeered to show the final matches. It remained that just the four teams everyone had come to watch remained. The organizers asked for an hour-long break to set up individual battlefields so there would be no advantage by any team. This put a large hole right in the middle of the broadcast and there was a scramble to fill it. Jayce got a call from Tara that informed him that he and his team would be doing a pre-match interview to fill some space left by this sudden change to the schedule. Groaning he pulled his team together before they headed for the press quarters within the Coliseum.
Before them were five chairs with glasses of water for each. Jayce glanced out from the curtain and his eyes went wide. "There must be a hundred reporters out there." Jenira, Anna, and Micu drained of color while Ralnas seemed to absorb it. "Perfect. Jayce and I can do the talking." Jayce looked at his friend with exasperation. "Why do you always volunteer me for these things?" Ralnas shrugged before confidently striding out to the interview set up. Jayce muttered a curse under his breath before pulling on a smile and following after him. The other three followed after them at a far slower pace.
Ralnas took the seat just to the right of the center before Jayce took the center seat. Jenira sat next to Jayce and Micu next to Ralnas. Anna was relieved she got to sit next to Jenira. After they had all gotten comfortable in their seats Jayce looked around the room. "Any questions?" An uncountable number of limbs were instantly in the air. Jayce laughed and then pointed to one of the reporters in the front row. "Jayce you are scheduled to take on Ahti's team first. Are you nervous after having to compete against so many teams before this big match?" Jayce shrugged, "We'd be concerned with fighting them whether they were first or last. We're prepared though."
Furious tapping, typing, and scribbling filled the air. Jayce waited a moment before calling on the next hand. "Micu you usually work as the team's tactical brain how are you feeling about the coming match? Any specific plans?" Micu adjusted the mic in front of him for a moment. "Hi, thanks for the question." A smattering of laughter followed his answer. "As you may know Ahti's known for favoring water-based lifeforms. Thus, we're planning on avoiding water." This time the laughter was more intense and Micu sighed with relief. Jayce winked at his friend before choosing the next reporter. "Hi Jayce, what do you think about your team having weak links like Ralnas and Anna?"
The atmosphere in the room turned frosty in an instant. "Uh excuse me? You do realize that I'm sitting right here." Ralnas said tersely. The reporter nodded, "I do." Jayce covered his eyes from the bright lights that were shining down on them. "Do we know you?" The reporter shook his head and said nothing more. Jayce continued to glare at him trying to see if he recognized him. Ralnas, however, was not going to take such an insult sitting down. "I may not have some superpowers, or have a great tactical mind, or have been part of an elite team. Which I might add Anna has. Since you have insulted both of us. But, I will also mention that I've trained my entire life for these moments." He couldn't help himself and stood to continue the interview. "I spent every night in the gym practicing for the chance to fight for one elite team." He paused, "If there was ever a time for my dedication to pay off it's today. We are a top team and sorry for being so arrogant but we're the best team here today."
This kicked off a flurry of flashes from cameras and the non-stop sound of notes being taken. Jayce placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and pulled him back to his seat. Jayce then looked into the crowd. "Any reporter who thinks they're more qualified to be here than Anna or Ralnas is welcome to fight me for the privilege." The reporter who had asked the question had vanished into the crowd. Jayce searched for his figure but had to give up. Micu then stood, "Sorry everyone we need to go prepare for the coming match." He then turned sharply on his heels and strode off behind the curtain. His friends took a moment to process what had just happened. Once their brains caught up to their eyes the rest of the group stood and followed after him.
"What a jerk," Jenira fumed as they exited the press area. Ralnas was bright red with fury and he turned to face Jayce. "Let me carry this next match." Jayce gave him a searching look. "Do what you need to." Ralnas nodded and stomped towards the preparation room. "He okay?" Anna asked nervously as she watched him. Micu took a step towards her and smiled, "Angry Ralnas is best Ralnas."