The Shīzi Bloodline

15 - The Shīzi bloodline

"W-what are you doing?!" She began panicking.

the feeling of being close to a gorgeous man after being single and innocent for all her past 20 years it was natural for her to panic, her face beat red and her wide eyes shaking, she felt as if she was gonna pass out

he smirked and lean towards her ear "You seem to be enjoying this" he whispered into her ear his hot breath tickling her ear

"Get off me!" she said in a serious tone, she was getting flustered and annoyed. she was being teased by a man! it's showing her weak side!

but as soon as she said that unexpectedly bright gold light pushed Bao Shīzi off her pushing him a few steps away from. shock was evident in both of their eyes but the only difference was she had an idea on what was going on and he on the other hand immediately knew, Once he regained his posture he kneeled infront of her

"Empress." seemingly forgetting the previous scene as if nothing had happen

she sat up straight fixing her hanfu, her guess was right, It was an effect of her being the Re-borned empress, this just added to the list of proof of her being the empress. she looked at the man kneeling

"Don't kneel, I feel uncomfortable if you do that."

"Apologies empress, I've mistaken my feelings as another" he stood up yet he did not meet her eyes

"It is alright, as long as you don't do it again." she smiled making him blush [No! this is just the effect of meeting the empress! nothing more nothing less] "Do not call me Empress, I feel Highly uncomfortable, Call me by my name Yo Huiyin."

"Yo Huiyin..." he tried saying her name, he smiled.

"how about you?" He lifted his head

"Empre-- Yo Huiyin, I am called Bao Shīzi, the Wind element bender" he said giving her a short bow

"Shīzi? Lion?" she asked in wonder, Mei Mei and Lingshu were also Yí wèi's. Mei Mei was a Racoon while Lingshu was a Cayote

"Indeed. I'm the only Shīzi in this realm hence I took it as my name" he dusted off his robe and went to sit by the chair beside the bed Yo Huiyin sat on

"but what are you doing here in the forest? shouldn't you be with a contracted master? how are you?.."

"How am I still doing fine without them?" seemingly to know what she wanted to ask he continued for her, He took the tea pot of tea and poured himself and her a cup "It is because I am contracted already."

"where is your master?"

he looked at her and smile "Yo Huiyin, You're my master."

"What?" shock filled her gorgeous green eyes, She was confused, How did she got contracted to him when they just met? "How and when?" she asked confusedly

"The empress wasn't alone when she saved everyone in this realm. she had comrades with her, she had the Golden force with her." she stayed silent, she wanted to know what he meant by 'The Golden Force' "The Golden force consists of the 5 strongest elemental Yí wèis, They form as a protector of the empress, But before the empress died, before you died, the golden force cursed their bloodlines, Once they meet the Re-born of the empress their offspring or youngest will protect and follow her once again to continue their legacy." he stopped and sipped his tea with closed eyes, he knew she was listening attentively

"Our bloodline and abilities have been passed down to generation after generation, Everytime our abilities are passed down, the one who holds the power will be the one to serve the empress. and that is me in my bloodline." he smiled, he was proud of himself, His father, his fathers father, his great grandfather and so on wished to be the one to serve the empress but couldn't wait any longer and died passing the ability to their off springs

"That story gave me a lot of Information but it did not fill out the blanks"

he chuckled "Yo Huiyin, As the empress our ancestors contract with you have not been cut and still continues on as our blood and abilities pass down. meaning we are alive because of our contract with you, our empress."