After Shamir heard what Asael said, with a face that couldn't hide the excitement he felt he asked: " Then that means that now I have reached the novice rank, right Asael?!"
Asael responded "That´s right Shamir, now you are a novice rank"
Asael continued" As you have reached the novice rank, as part of the evaluation process towards determining your performance during the tutorial, I ask you, Shamir, what have you learned about magic spell tiers and mage ranks?"
Shamir couldn't help but show a face full of surprise as he didn't know there would be a test, once he had finished the first part of the tutorial, but he didn't fret, after all, he had stuided a lot for the last year and knew everything of those basic books by heart, so he began to answer: "The novice rank is the first true step to becoming a mage, a novice although is a person still unable to wield mana, is someone who has a basic understanding of mana and the way it affects everything, of how magic is formed and the steps to follow in order to do so, as a Novice rank, Shamir, you must also know that the magic spells that a mage at any rank can unleash can be categorized in one of the thirteen tiers for magic spells, of course there exists spells that does not fall in any of those categories because of how low level and easy to use they are, that even the most useless of mages can use them, these spells are labeled as [tierless spells], of course, that does not mean that they aren't useful, just that they are easy." said Asael without apparent intention of stopping.
Shamir continued, "And even the spells that fall in the thirteen categories are separated, the first category is composed of tier one to tier six spells and they are considered the [Mortal Spells] category, every tier is further subdivided into low, middle and advanced spells, and as far as I have read an arch-mage is capable of unleashing tier six spells."
He took made a little pause as he took a good breath and the keep saying, " magic spells from tiers seven to nine are known as [Calamity Spells], the tiers in the calamity category are also subdivided into low, middle and advanced, this category was given such name for if such a spell were to be unleashed against a city, the city would be eradicated, as such even if this category has fewer tiers than the mortal category, the difference in the magic output and the area they can affect are worlds apart."
"The next category of the tiered spells is named [Divine Spells] and encompass from tier teen to twelve, and the weakest of spells in this category is capable of wiping out an entire kingdom out of existence."Shamir keep talking, information regarding spells and ranks flooded his mind, this made him answer the questions without effort.
"The last category created for the tier thirteen spells was the [Realm spells], the reason why these spells has a category of their own is simple, it's because the spells that are qualified to be put in this category, are capable of affecting the entire realm, the spell used to separate the demon and human races was one such spell.
Now that Shamir had the knowledge to be considered a novice, he also knew of the different ranks that a mage could reach, he then continued, "The first magic rank is the Novice rank, the second is the rank of Apprentice, a novice rank can advance his rank once he has become capable enough to sense at least in a rough manner the mana inside and outside of his body as well as to be able to at least use in a rough way the mana inside and outside of its body.
From the apprentice rank onwards, the ranks are Mage, Wise Mage, Great-Mage and Arch-Mage being the basic requirements to rise in rank three: quantity and quality of the mana, control and sense of mana and magic, and knowledge and understanding of the arcane arts.
From here on out is were many people fail to advance in ranks, as it becomes far harder to increase the mana quality and quantity as the human body is only capable of containing a set amount of mana, those who are able to break through that barrier reach the Seeker of the Abyss rank, but this is not the end of the ranks as above the Seeker of the Abyss rank, there are the Practitioner of the Abyss, Master of the Abyss, Great Master of the Abyss and Emperor of the Abyss.
Once someone has reached the rank of Emperor of the Abyss, he or she would be unmatched existence" said Shamir as he had learned this information by heart.
Once Shamir stopped talking Asael said "As expected you have proven to have the necessary intelligence to learn magic, as it only took you one year to learn what to many others would take them two to three years to learn, also although you are still a novice rank you should also possess the knowledge that the Emperor of the Abyss rank is not the end of the road for those who pursue magic, but as you are now, this is not yet the time for you to know of such things in detail".
When Shamir heard the last part he gasped, as he had thought that the knowledge he had acquired encompassed all of the ranks a mage could aspire, and the Emperor of the Abyss by what he had read was already an impressive existence, enough that many humans would consider them deities, so even Shamir had even assumed that the creator of the system was someone at that level, but to learn that there were even stronger ranks he couldn't help but feel surprised by this information when all of a sudden a thought crossed his mind that made the hairs on the back of this neck to stand.
After some thought, he regained his composure, then proceeded to inquire Asael with a voice full of awe "Then is the creator of the magic system at an even higher rank than the Emperor of the Abyss?".