
Life is a strange, humdrum affair, where even a few moments of peace snatched should be gratefully acknowledged. - Chaman Nahal


The world is a ever moving cacophony of life, never pausing always unforgiving. There are those who look at the world from within a bubble of pessimism or through a lens of foolish optimism. One cannot say which worldview is correct, an accurate representation of reality, if anything reality is what suits a person best in the endeavor of life.

One must thus assume then that the world is one of opportunity . A Shaping of your future though action, hard work and determination.

What then if the world at its core is unfeeling or even hostile. A world where dreams are of what used to be in the past and ambition is what you decide in the moment, where future is predictable. To the common man what could be discovered has already been discovered, what could be learnt has already been read, and what could be said is not a adventure of their own choosing.

A world without the individual. A world where suffering is what you bring upon yourself and not what others bring upon you. A world of a billion voices, a million moving parts, all shouting out in silence.

A world on a never before imagined peak of technology.

Welcome to the 30th Century.