I won't let the curse to harm you, before that I'll make you fall in love with me. You're mine my better half, this devil won't die. He will make you all his till eternity. A Forced Love-Marriage (To Beast). By Nidhi.
Nalini POV
Due to fast and extreme work, I started feeling little dizzy. I took a deep breath sitting down.
"Nalini" Sarah chimed into my thoughts.
"Our Creative Head is really impressed with your work. He is thinking of making you permanent." Listening those words from Sarah, a shone comes in my eyes.
"Check out the suits is ready and packed properly. They have to go to the client for trial."
With speedy steps I was heading Garment Construction Room, to check the suits are ready. I fell face flat on the floor. Violet purposely entangled her legs with mine.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I whined.
"Hey you low life I expect you to treat me with respect and obey all my work, If you want a peaceful job life." She gave me a look so swift and so venomous, so threatening that the words caught in my throat. I know she will make it more difficult to survive in office.
"Shut Up Violet she is not an object." Sarah said while coming towards me.
Violet gave me a look. Bitch-I-will-teach-you-a-lesson-your-happiness-won't-last-for-long. And the she left again stomping her foot hard on ground.
"Are you alright."
I sighed. "Hmm"
"Be true to yourself and everything will be all right, ignore her. And Nalini I'm leaving my little monster once again got into a fight with senior grade student, as they were making fun of his new project and he beats him roughly. Ugh, this boy will give me heart attack soon." She said while massaging her temples.
We both chuckled. "I wanna meet your little monster."
"Soon dear, but first ask delivery boy John to deliver the suits."
"Call me if you need any help, bye Nalini take care".
Narrator POV
"Hey! Priya today is the last day of that bitch in Lauren's." She said while playing with her curls.
"Why?" She shrugged her shoulders.
"I changed the suits measurements and the buttons and replaced them wit the one she sourced from India, which she painted with her hand to give a vintage look." She smirked.
"Suits modern and buttons ethnic. Violet you changed the aesthetic appearance of suit. OH!!!! Man she will regret today and that too for a business man who is death in men's flesh." Priya replied with malicious grin.
Nalini POV
I looked here and there I scrunched my brows.
"Ughhhhh!! Where did all staff have gone?" I'll ask Florence. I was heading towards reception area where she was siting I noticed. She was on phone looking really happy.
"Hey I'll be there in a while you my Old man Boyfriend." With that she hung up the phone.
What she has a boyfriend I mean a old man. A voice in head speaks.
"Congrats! You rock the presentation." She speaks excitedly.
I giggled "Thanks, Um... Florence where did all staff has gone? And where is John?"
"Oh! She face palmed herself....All the staff has gone to celebrate Mr. William's farewell including Jhon. He was working with Lauren's for last 35 years. He retired last week, so you don't know him. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, but you can join us." She pouted.
"Ok, but I have to deliver these suits." I replied showing her the suits.
"Take this invoice and Harley will drive you he is Lauren's personal chauffeur." She replied giving me a piece of paper.
As soon as I read the name on the invoice, Jamarion Night I start to tremble with fear a shiver runs down my spine and suddenly a pair of reddish golden eyes appear in front of my view.
"Day dreaming" I snap out of my thoughts with that manly voice.
"Who you might be?" I asked
"Oh you called me Mam"...A man in tall bulky frame who was in his late 20's dressed up in uniform speaks.
I knit my brows in confusion.
Um... before I say a word Florence came running towards me adjusting her skin tight dress.
"Cortle she is Nalini and Nalini he is Cortle our Lauren's personal chauffeur."
"Take her to Night Co. and then drop her home. I'm leaving Nalini for farewell party." She pecked my cheeks.
"But you said Harley"
"Hey my full name is Harley Chortle Iverson." The man replied with a friendly smile.
Oh how stupid I'm a blush crept on my cheeks.
"Oh you look gorgeous" Chortle said stroking Florence cheeks.
"Shut Up you fat man" Florence said teasingly.
We all chuckled. Chortle seemed jolly person.
"Hey Nalini be safe" Florence said in an ominously tone. That gave me a slight tension.
"We are here" Cortle says while parking the car
As I exit the car, I managed to straighten my duppatta (Scarf) and tucking few strands of hairs behind my ears.
A refreshing breeze hit my face a smile crept on my face. I headed towards the main door
"Mam stop. Show me you're ID first" A bald man in black suit and formal gear with gun in his hand stopped me.
Um.. Hi..... I...I'm N.... Nalini Gill from Lauren's, I'm here to deliver suits." I replied looking at the man.
"Ok you may go Mam" He speaks with blank expression on his face.
The doors opened to reveal a large empty area with a black wooden desk in Centre three man were sitting there. I hesitantly walk towards them with sweaty palms. When they realize my appearance they looked towards me, all of them were wearing black goggles. There stares gave me goose bumps.
"Yes miss, what are looking for?" A man in all black attire speaks up. His gaze gave me shiver.
"I'm here to deliver suits." I nervously answered, looking down at marble floor.
"Take the elevator to 95 floor and walk straight then take left, there you see a cubicle just Knock it a man will assist you".
While walking something in me keeps chanting to Turn my heels and walk away, something portentous to be happened. But me being me I love to take challenges note the sarcasm. I take deep breath to calm down my irregular heart rate and entered inside the elevator.
There was no girl in the entire building something strange, everyone wore black suits with white shirt and mostly having serious and cold emotions with black goggles, it seems like all were zombies.
After a minute the lift doors opened. I was dumb folded watching the view I have never seen such a large corridor it seems like it was long than a marathon field. The walls were painted in dull grey colors everything seems to be very dull but spotless, still the aura speaks danger. The entire building was opposite to my office. I hear my heels clacking on the marble floor as I walk towards Mr. Knight Office.
I knock the door a man in late 50's opened the door.
"I'm Nalini Gill I'm here to deliver the suits." I tried being strong without stuttering.
"Oh hello Mam plz have seat, and plz hand me the suits you wait here" he said with a mischievous smile still he looks somehow normal other than all staffs.
He entered another door which was in the cubicle it was large I'm mean very high and large door more 10*12 feet.
Curiosity killed me Huh! I want to go inside. My inner voice speaks.
After a while I heard a man seductive voice.
"Call her" listening those words I drenched in sweat and all my confidence shut at that sentence. What I have done now?
The old man came with a sorry face and asks me to come inside.
What's next my inner voice mocked me. Grabbing my notepad and my lucky pen in my in my hand I walked towards the door.
"Petrichor" I murmured the entire cubicle has scent of wet soil very sweet and refreshing. Then my eyes fall on a very tall person like a mountain with a masculine frame was removing the suits. His back was to me, his muscles flexed at every movement a very defined body he has.
I was dumb folded watching him while he was removing his suit. He cleared his throat and started narrating me the measurements details. I was writing in my note pad. Man this voice ufffff its breath taking what a seductive velvety voice he has.
"Sir anything e... else" I murmured.
Listening my words he turned towards me and at that moment my pen stopped working.
MANNNNNNNNN.......He had the kind of face who could stop your heart beat in a single look. His Roman nose and angular cheekbones carved down sat towards a concrete razor sharp defined jaw. With rich tousled chocolate brown hair which was lustrous this promised finesse. His face was strong and defined, his features were molded from granite. He had strong arched brows and thick eyelashes. He had manful, morning shadow, made him look devilishly handsome. A prominent jaw curved gracefully around perfect thick neck showed in the full shape collar bone. A well defined torso full of strong muscles that shaped his entire body, strong masculine arms and a very strong skeleton that it could be illegal. And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid red as a great body of melted lava that was jelled up with golden beam of sun rays, I have never seen such a unique pair of eyes.
I was so busy stealing his looks that I don't realized what I have done. He groaned then I snap out my thought shit all the ink was now on his face and shirt. My eyes widened and jaw unhinged. OH!!!! I jerked my pen twice which results in leakage of ink. But still he looked a divine statue with all those ink spots on his face. I stared directly at the marble floor. With steady steps he came in front of me with all courage I looked up at the Greek God standing in front of me.
But now his eyes were a darker shade red like blood red. I was hypnotized by his eyes. I sensed him coming too close that it was hard to breathe.
I was shaking like a girl who left in Antarctica in -78 c without winter clothes my heart going to burst out soon, silently crying and praying to Bappa (Lord Ganesha). Thinking of earning a tight slap from him I gulped the lump created in my throat and take a step away from him. He clenched his jaw and his intense gaze drilled hole in my face.
Holy Moly!
He grabbed my chin to look up at him, but we both felt a spark and flinched away. I feel panic take over me everything blackouts.
Keep loving and cherishing my book love you all. May God bless you all.