
Thump Thump


Thump Thump .

Again someone was hammering & Someone is in my room? I wake up as remember how and where, I am.

"Open this door Kenton or I will break it" Karl said

Like you could Karl . you have trying it whole night.

Kenton I will break your neck If you don't come out of room.

That 's why I not coming. Haven't you have enough or do want sail down stairs 6th time. This time it will be harder as she is getting awake.

Woman open this door now.

Whoosh , Humpty Dumpty fell down the stairs. Soon cussing stated, I whisper in his head

"Dear sir stop cussing your mother is feeling faint at your cussing . Don't come up ,we will get down in half hour then we will talk. Not if you don't listen. Go to kitchen and eat you haven't from last night. your little brother is safe I am not raping him. Go !

I turn to Kenton now tell me what happen after I slept. I said to Kenton

Karl grabbed me as I got out of room & starting asking answers about you which I known of nothing. When that does nothing he tried to get in room to you but was thrown down the stairs.

My sister is laughing like it's no tomorrow and not speaking to Karl.

Ok I will shower then we go down to breakfast. I said

After half hour we get to kitchen where humpty dumpty and others waited. As we entered the kitchen atmosphere was that is of before volcano eruption. As soon as we entered kitchen Karl started firing question coming in my direction.

Who are you? what are you? How you can mind talk to me?

With last question he was near me he suddenly stopped and inhale loudly & started looking at me like I am his worst nightmare.

You bitch, you stay away from me. You are not getting your claws in me or my family estate.

I heard grasps all in room but his words put me in red haze.

You basterd do you know my name?, do you even know my name?. Accusing me of gold digging you moron dickhead.He flew back and pinned to kitchen wall as I started walking towards him. At last I put my figure on his chest .he started convulsing after what seem like minutes but few seconds I stopped and standback, took deep breath few times and turn back to room. what I saw was fascination to curiosity to downright terror as Mr. humpty dumpty was still pinned to wall behind me. I understand the reactions.

I sat at table ask " does anybody has fruit juice please all this bitching has tired me. and let's put introduction out of way first. Except me and humpty dumpty there were six persons in the room.

Please sit all of you. I said as lady cook put juice in front of me. I pointed to older version of humpty dumpty you are Mr. kabir king, married to kath almost 100 years ago. And parents to glaring humpty dumpty and three others. As I call Karl humpty dumpty his sister laugh which turn to cough at her mother's glare.

Kath your father started business of auto parts long ago. After your marriage which your husband doubled and then Mr. humpty dumpty nearly ten times. Now king empire has figures in nearly every pie.

Next your second son kahann who is multimilloner in his own right by selling painting by name of "K K" other than share in king empire. At that kahann started sscrolling at me. As his parents astonished gazes turned to him.

last son Karl whom I rescued from sure death.with his pants down.who is legal advisor to king empire I said smiling to Karl.

One and only daughter keva, who travel all over the world in search of old civilizations. I said winking to keva.she saluted me showing relief in eyes.

As for driving daggers through me is Karl. Good business man but my way or highway type same as his grandfather.

Above to all you all are were tigers with hint of witch magic.

As for me my name is Genn. I am here to warn and protect your family, there is going to attack on your family, at that humpty dumpty started trashing as he can't speak.

I am not charitable person but something urge me to save Karl and I never ignore my instint.I work in any capacity to a very powerful person. I don't know what exact threat is but nobody blow hotel room with his last breath just make himself disappear . I have seen this type only once before. There is one more thing I am curious about "why can't I read any of you", mind you I can mind talk to all of you,even pinned or throw you but not read you &that is first . I said irritated

Mr. kabir smiled at my last sentence and said as you know too much about me my family , I will let you on the secret , as kenton trust you even to defy Karl and if you wanted to kill him or us you have ample time and opportunity to do so . so I have to trust you & like you I don't disregard my instints. The witch content you said came my father's side or to say my grandmother's side. you have to have some knowledge of Indian ancient books which are called Vedas. My grand mother is healer of best kind with physical and mental healing, her one or two charkars where open, I don't exactly know. She was also what is called in west a soothsayer, she can see past and future. she is the reason nobody can read us. How I don,t know.

This trust that mr kabir shows in me over whelming. Same as in kaths eyes. At the end of my fourth glass we were munching our breakfast. I turned to humty dumpty (all thou he was nearly seven feet with body so yummy at that I was angry with myself). I asked him,I will release you if you will stay away from me. He just nobbed .

As soon as I release him , he grabbed me for soul scattering kiss, which resonates through my every cell. Slowly world came in focus I heard voices , I tried to push him physically . nadda

Will you let me go Mr humpty dumpty , you are crushing me? suddenly some one was laughing.

You are calling him humpty dumpty . I can't wait to tease him . keva said

Karl will you let miss Genn go and sit down. Mrs king said.

I can't!,

she is my mate. Karl said