Genn are you there?

Oh no, no, not possible I don't want a mate ,period & even if I do it will definitely will not the some who think everybody is gold digger and my way or high way type. I said still in his arms.

He looked down to me and kissed my nose and said yes you are and you will not pinned me again. You behave like a proper mate.

Ok, that's it , stay away from me . I said as I pinned Karl again this time with speaking ability

I don't want a mate to dictate me how to conduct myself. You are nothing but a shithead & asshole .

You will not do this, you are my mate, you will do as told. I will spank you, release me this instant. Karl said

I turned to kath and said does he was not beaten in childhood ?. he sure know how to pissed off me. If he doesn't get off his high horse. I will keep him pinned to wall forever. I don't want mate he will be only hindrance to me, in my job there is not a place for mate. As for money I have lot and lots of its from my father and my own. He will not be released until he revised his view. I left the kitchen.

Son what have you done!

You are an idiot to let her go Karl. she saved me is trying to save all of us. Kenton said as he left the room.

I felt disappointment of my parents to my bone. But I was doing what good mate should do.

I know that she has scary powers but how can I trust her? We have just meet and I powerless to protect her ,just like my mom when father was not there.Mom and father sat on chair near me.Father said Son you will be alone if you don,t tone down a little. Your mate is very powerful being. If she wanted to kill us ,she can do that from anywhere, I think. You always thought you right in any thing plus you want to others to follow your every instruction no matter what they thought. Thats why I think kahann never told of his painting, as you made him to go to business school.

Kahann nobbed and leave the room

Mom said Don't go on my father's way Karl, you will be lonely if you do. so was he. At end he understood that playing god to others life is cold bed. I love you son but try to understand others side and let them make there own mistakes, just stand beside them they will come to you. Support your mate she will take care of you and she can protect you and this pride like you could never. But you will be her strength to fight for . but if you behave like you do now try to dominate her ,you will loose her.

Karl said Dad I feared that I will loose her or others in my life if I let my emotions go, like I loose you for twenty years I should have overcome that fear now, but when grandpa send you away from me and mummy. I waited for you to come and take us with but you never came until after grandpa died.

Son you never loss me I was there you always ,I saw my open smiling son turned to cold stanger.

But I could not at that time openly with you. If I had reveal my identity your, kaths and grandpa life would have in great danger. Have you not ever wondered what happen to "om" your bodyguard how I know some things from that time that not even kath knows . I would not have told you this ever as there is still some danger. Talk to your mate. Son

Dad why don't you told me all this .

I am selfish my son I wanted to keep memory of om intact in you as you never trusted me.after I came back as my own, but you have blind trust in om. Try calling you mate by link I we can connect to her that way. we will leave you alone don,t fuck this up.

I started thinking of the time when om was with me . how was therewith me my stupidest , berserk, all well as crying. How much father(om) have to endure to let me make my mistakes.

Genn , are you there?