
Meanwhile, Ira and Vivan watched the news and celebrated their small victory. Like a wildfire, it spread across every channel, every newspaper, all over the media — Jain Group manufactured Cocaine-like drug.

A drug scandal! Even if one successfully withdrew from the blame, the stain would remain for eternity.

Jain Group tried all their means to take down the reports only for their efforts to fail. When a single report was taken down, two more would take its place. Vivan used all his contacts and efforts for this purpose, engaging as many as people possible for this task.

Within a few hours, their share plummeted like falling blocks one after another. Some cooperation projects broke their partnership.

Last life when Rai Pharmaceuticals made the drug imatinib — a cancer drug, S company came with similar drug earlier than them.

She had fought a five year controversial battle for a patent for it. They lost a lot of money during those years. S company belonged to Jain Group.