
"Breaking news, the Devourer has struck again tonight, Natasha Clark is in the crime scene."

"Natasha, what can you tell us about the incident?"

The late-night news anchor passed the communication to the reporter at street.

"Thanks Helen, as you say, tonight there has been a fight between three sides, according to our sources, the MHD attacked when the devourer and a local band were fighting, there have still been no comments from the MHD but we have seen an ambulance take a body and a wounded! " The reporter informed of the events that night as if she had been there, what she did not know was invented to spread fear among viewers.


"Welcome to Channel 3, today we will talk about the latest criminal that the MHD has catalogued as a B-range threat at least and we will show you some images obtained from one of its raids, don't miss it!" Shouted the male host to incite the euphoria of the audience.

"We are famous, kekeke..." Said the parasite mocking Seth.

"It's local news, if we were in City X or City Y, we'd be considered petty criminals..." Seth replied while drinking a beer can and watching the news.

"It's because you're too weak! On my planet I was a superior existence and feared by everyone! If it weren't for that brat... "The parasite seemed to be furious after remembering something from its past.

"What happened to you in order for you to have to depend on a human like me to survive?" Seth said in a mocking tone.

"..."The parasite remained silent and ignored Seth's mockery, only in moments of silence like this he would feel human again.

"I'm going to sleep for a while..."

Seth took advantage of the silence to close his eyes and rest, although his body was stronger and he could pass some days without sleeping with no repercussions, his mind needed rest.


"Seth! Seth! Wake up, you ape!"The parasite shouted interrupting Seth's rest and bringing him back to reality.

"What's going on?"Seth asked somewhat disoriented.

"Someone is knocking on the door and has been there for a while..." Answered the parasite.

"Who will it be at this hour? "He wondered after getting up from the sofa and checking on the holoscreen that it was 6 am.

After opening the door, an impressive blonde beauty awaited him with her arms crossed, her black uniform and golden plate revealed her position as an MHD agent.

"Have I been discovered? The house must be surrounded!" Seth thought on the verge of transformation.

"Good morning, is Seth Keith at home?" Asked the agent with a smile.

"Who are you?"Seth relaxed a little when he noticed that he didn't seem to have been discovered, detail that the agent figured out.

"Oh, I'm Kelly Watson, a member of the MHD, I came here a while ago for information..." She replied.

"That's right, I remember you... I'm Seth."

"You are...???"

Kelly couldn't believe what she saw, that thin, frail-looking young man and this tall, handsome man were the same person?

With a more detailed look, she noticed that although he had grown and his muscles had expanded, the photo she saw that day and this young man were similar.

"How can anyone change so much in just a few days? Are those internet ads about losing weight or gaining muscle instantly, true? "The young agent kept delirious about the shocking change Seth had undergone.


"I'm here to continue our conversation, apparently you were not feeling well during my last visit and I decided to come back to finish the paperwork." She said trying to find some suspicious move from Seth.

"This woman knows something...if I was my previous one I would doubt about it but if she knows something...I won't hesitate in any way..." Seth thought while maintaining an indifferent attitude.

"Of course, come in and I'll answer your questions." He said with a smile.

"Thank you." Kelly entered the house and immediately inspected her surroundings for anything suspicious, she didn't even try to hide her furtive glances causing Seth to be a little uncomfortable.

The house was a bit dirty because of Seth's laziness in the last few days, he only cleaned up the blood and incriminating traces he left after ending his transformation.

"Oh shit!" Seth immediately closed the door of his room, on the bed there was a dark alloy briefcase with an encrypted combination lock.

In the news the population had already been alerted about the briefcase that was stolen, it was reported to be a biological weapon but Seth knew that the media only said it to gain audience, but that would not prevent this woman to identify the briefcase as the one on TV!

A strange smell came out of the briefcase stinking up the bedroom and the adjoining rooms.

"Ufff, what a pestilence! This kid is a pervert! It's impossible for someone like him to be a wanted criminal..." The strong smell of fish coming from Seth's bedroom made Kelly frown, even though he wasn't the culprit, maybe he knows the murderer!

"This is my duty as an inspector!" Kelly said to boost her courage before sitting on the couch in front of Seth.

"Well, what questions do you want to ask me? I already told the police everything I knew... "Seth answered a little annoyed.

"I know, but maybe after all this time you have remembered something else, like if there was someone else present or something like that" She looked directly into Seth's eyes as she used the skill that allowed her to earn the role of inspector and interim agent at the MHD, Lie Detection!

Although her combat power was similar to 0 against a metahuman with real powers, there was no single person who was able to deceive her ability and especially without knowing that she possessed such ability!

"Try to lie and I'll know, in front of me, all your secrets are like reading a child's diary!"


One hour later, Kelly left Seth's house while holding her tears.


What happened in the house?... We'll find out in the next episode...