Chapter 7: Master Wilbur

After spending my night at an Inn, I travelled half a day by carriage before getting to this place. [So Much for the Best Horse in Brittle...Che... 5 gold coins...ah!] I couldn't help but frown as I looked at the bald driver in anger.

His wheel got damaged twice already and I can already feel the carriage wobbling again.

Since I set out from that isolated city. By the way, I didn't get to meet with the tailor again for more clothes and I don't even have camping gear, since I left town as soon as I could.

[All this because I didn't want the man dying before I get there... haa] with a sigh I held onto the carriage walls to find some balance.

[Whatever, it's better than having to traveling on foot.]

I listened to the middle-aged coachman who I had paid 5 gold coins to drive his crappy carriage, speak nonsense.

"apologies My Lord... I think I would need to fix the carriage wheels, one more time..." The coachman said while wiping cold sweat off his face.

"You... Haai... Just do what you want!" Once again another sigh escaped my mouth as I suddenly felt tired.

As I waited, I began to watch the terrain, this was something I'd never do as a player but now this is my reality so I couldn't help but appreciate it all.

I then Noticed that The further you were from the Brittle while heading west, the sparser things became. In other words, the Farther you go from Brittle in this direction, the harder it was for people to live. It's mostly because of the monster waves from the Forest.

The situation only got worse since the Soldiers who're responsible to hold them off were absent. I heard they were called to patrol the borders, which was another sign that war was coming.

The monsters overflowed into areas not far away from Brittle City. This certainly had a serious impact on the kingdom's Economy, Since merchants from the west had reduced in numbers.

One shocking thing was that this waves were caused artificially.

[Perhaps... George I can use that stuff later for my own benefit.] While I was deep in thought, the carriage made a stop with a loud noise.

"Achaaー, this is no good. Looks like...the left wheel is broken completely"

The man said with a troubled face as he got down off the carriage. He said that it would take at least a day plus to repair it.

"F*cking wasted my money!! tch..." This was even worse that I couldn't help but cuss.

"Fooking? ???" The coachman tilted his head strangely while having a "did he just cuss at me"look.l

On the Bright side I could see the edge of the forest from here, So I decided to go There by foot.

Not more than 30 minutes, I arrived in the Forest without too much Trouble and since I couldn't even feel a shred of presence of any monster that I had encountered since I came to this world, not to mention Human. This was such a weird place that I would have confused it as "Tibet", Land of the wood elves that was located on the far side of the continent instead.

This was abnormal in a sense. I tilted my head as my sight fell upon some Thin silver strings attached to the trees like webs. Then I simply placed a finger on a string, only to receive a Cut.

As I stared at my bleeding finger, cold sweat fell down my back...[If I hadn't been cautious, I would have been sliced to pieces without knowing the reason.]

While I walked around slowly while calmly avoiding the strings, I took notice of an old man sitting cross legged on a big tree stump. His long gray hair was bundled behind his neck and his eyes were closed.

[An expert...Look at the amount of essence entering his body!.] I couldn't help but exclaim in my heart.

Could he be the one who planted those strings. As I approached, the other party had spoken to me first.

"You have strong presence, showing that you have broken through the Mortal rank but you are also like a blank slate that has no intent...?"

The old man smiled as he opened his eyes, They were glowing blue eyes that seemed as cold as ice. He wore a black Hanfu shirt and white pants.

" Welcome, young warrior...I must say you have good eyes, Most don't make it without loosing a limb...Tell me Who are you??"

[Could He be Wilbur?ah I have to introduce myself? Let me see... what kind of character is he.] I opened his status while introducing myself.

「My name is Lu Tong. I came looking for Lord Wilbur!! ?」

Age: 323

Level:LV 286(weakened)

Class: Puppet Master(Legendary)

Profession: Assassin, Blade Master, Alchemist...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

[!!!] Seeing his stats what's utterly ridiculous to me.

[His weakened state is in the upper strength of the 3rd update!...then how strong was he originally!!] My thoughts were all over the place and my eyes must have lost focus as The old man finally spoke with a raised eyebrow and a look of curiosity "Oh I don't mind being admired but I must tell you that I have always not been interested in Men. What are you thinking?"

"Sorry, It's just that I was wondering if you were Lord Wilbur as I have a delivery for him" I said while bringing out the Machete, Immediately his eyes Flashed.

"Hahahahaha, the heavens have eyes... Good good Good... Boy!, I go by many names but one that is known across the world is Wilbur the twisted!..." He said as he stretched out his hand and an invisible force pulled the machete out of my hands.

Once Wilbur took The Machete from me, The weapon flashed a Blood red light before it's shape changed from a Machete to a Saber, Then to a Dagger before it became a Sword.

Wilbur silently weighed the sword in his right hand with a hint of Nostalgia in his face, slashing it delicately at the air with an Expert-like Aura, and as he did so, the reflection of the Sun danced warmly on the cold steel. The handle of the sword was bound with black leather, the hilt decorated yet understated, and the blade was Curved and had saw-like teeth at its base, just before the Hilt. I knew little about swords, but I was certain that Wilbur was beyond extraordinary with just the simple but graceful swings he just took.

A gentle Breeze flowed with each swing and a light riiiiiing! kept playing in my ears causing my hairs to stand erect, like a silent song to send you on your way.

In other words, this old man was not a vegetarian. And he's been waiting here for me to bring his weapon.

"Boy...I see you have not trained an intent... you are beyond qualified to receive my legacy...would you want to be my disciple??

[By intent, He means class right?... hmm... That Machete had such functions???...]


Do you wish to be a Puppet master?

Yes or No.


[Yes] I answered with my thought, and my body played out an animation.

"This Disciple greets Master!!! " I said while kowtowing three times.


Joruk(0/300): Add an extra Heart to your body, This increases your resource by 10% at level 1 and increases by 5% at every level increase.

Doubles Your Health points x 2

+30 Focus

(Unlock at LVL 3)

(Unlock at LVL 5)

(Unlock at LVL 7)

(Unlock) etc.

Nifty Fingers(Φ): Adds 10% Accuracy in performance.

+20 Agility (permanent)

Weapon Mastery(Φ) : You have a 30% growth rate for all weapon arts.

10% Damage increase when fighting with a weapon.


My Answer made Wilbur release a sigh of relief before he began to laugh. "Hahahah, no need for lies. you have a lot of work to do"

And so My training began....


Another week Passed just like that but so far I have made Progress.

For real….


Name: Lu Tong

Gender: Male

Blood line: Lu / ????

Bloodline grade: Silver

Level: 22(Next LV: 132000)

Class: Apprentice Puppeteer

Age: 18 and a half years

Skills: Basic Slash(906/1000)LV5

Basic Thrust(1208/1500)LV6


Charge(807/1500) LV 6

Lightning Slash(200/2000)Max Level(Evolve)





Nifty Finger(-)

Weapon Mastery(-)

Basic Sword art (4530/5000)LV 8

Unarmed Combat(2870/3000)LV6

Profession: None

Title: Bastard(Unequipped), Barbarian(Equipped),Executioner 1(Equipped), Wolf exterminator (equipped) Hunter 1(Equipped).

Hp: 2220/2220

Mp/Energy: 4080/4080

Hunger: 93%

Thirst: 64%

STR:60 WIL:40 AGI:70 SPI:201

BR:30 STA:65 COM: 32 LUCK: 5

Unassigned stat points: 0

Experience Points(109957)

All this was done with pure practice, My stats built up slowly and occasional practice with Magic beasts in the Forest helped improve myself. I was skeptical at first when I saw the name, Thinking it was a Mage type of class but it turns out to be both. Apparently, This class requires me to be aware of my entire body before I can start it's proper training.

And I just reached that threshold today, Master Wilbur says that I am a once in a million years genius because of how fast I was improving but I know that it's because I have a User interface like a player.

Master Wilbur seems to be getting weak by the day as I can feel essence, continuously leak off his body.

"Let me see how far you have come with your sword, well? what do you say?" Master Wilbur interrupted my thoughts with his words. By sword, he means the heavy wooden sword I am carrying about.

I slowly unsheathed it from my waist. But Wilbur stuck out his left hand in front of me.

「I've said it before learn to battle without a stance. it makes you unpredictable, yes it is hard but it's worth it.

The old man, while waiting for my confirmation, showing that I understood. Then he unsheathed his Own wooden sword as He seemed pretty motivated but he didn't attack me.

Then, I'll just have to do it. I Charged toward Wilbur.

[ A wild stance....good good」He Then curved his wooden sword in an odd angle which in turn messed up the trajectory of my sword.

「Then, what about this」

Before I knew it, Wilbur's sword tip is already an inch away from my nose. Fast!...Cold Sweat rolled down my face and my Palm Began to sweat profusely.

This may prove to be an opportunity. Having this old teach me how to fight, it's like dream come true. .

「Very well. Just for a while, I'll be in your care.」

I lowered my sword , and slightly bowed my head to Master Wilbur.

He in turn brought down the wooden sword, and stroked his beard..

「 Ah Fate .Rather than die of age, I wished that I can teach you everything I know Who would've known, the perfect chance actually came knocking on my door. and I still am useless Haas... luckily I had written all my experience and insight within this journal.」 Master Wilbur said as he passed me a thick backed journal

" there a way I can help you in the remaining 4 days left you promised "I asked, Master Wilbur had said that he only needs to weeks to shape me up, so I want to find a to repay him before the time is over.

"That won't need! we only have four days left?? . Then let's start the training now" He yelled out in surprise.

Leaving his Wooden sword behind, the old man attacked me bare-handedly. I managed to catch the fist, but it was so heavy that it knocked me back several steps . This old man was too good, we are talking about 4 times my stats. What a waste that he is dying.

"Ho?, how about this?"

He attacked me again, this time employing acrobatic moves. That wasn't a move that a normal aging old man could do!

Afterward, I ended up "training" till sunset. I noticed something about this joruk skill, apparently it increases recovery speed. that's how I was able to keep up for so long.

I wonder what he'll train me in tomorrow… While I was thinking about that, Master Wilbur seemed to be surprised while inspecting me , although it's only temporarily.

"Could it be..." Then he began laughing "I see you have already developed your Joruk! , interesting... Hahaha good Good good... hahaha" He said.

"yes? "

"Tomorrow! you train twice as hard, hahahah"

"Master!... That's not a laughing matter, you know"

While the two of us began bickering...

I began gathering materials to prepare dinner...