
Once the flash of light subsided, Milo opened his eyes and noticed he was laying upon an infirmary bed surrounded by a couple of researchers along with Lord Archus standing beside him with a wicked grin. The room seemed to have made from cobblestone, and a fireplace gently burned enough to cast light. His vision still seemed to blur as his eyes seemed to burn, causing him to be able to distinguish what was within the shadow barely.

"Ah! You've finally awakened! Attempt to speak for me!" Lord Archus hurriedly spoke with a glitter in his eye that exemplified a child with a new toy.

The burning in his lungs had yet to subside, but he attempted to speak. A raspy, hoarse voice broke the silence as Milo said, "Hi...".

A loud murmur erupted from the researchers as they laughed and jumped with glee. Lord Archus did not move, but his facial expression was painted with a sadistic grin. "I knew it! I've done it!!" shouted the vampire before once more, yelling, "I, Lord Erik Archus, have created a brand new intelligent race!! Muahahaha! They said only Gods could create intelligent beings and look what lays before me!".

Of course, when Milo looked around, the two researchers had shown displeasure that was instantly erased from their faces. He presumed it was because they had also put in massive amounts of work, but with their social standing and rank, Lord Archus would claim all the credit. Remembering his previous conversation with the admin, she had mentioned that the process of his creation was done incorrectly. He started to think about where it went wrong and noticed with each breath; he could feel himself slowly dying.

"Breathing...hurts.." Milo said as he grasped his chest.

A researcher holding a clipboard quickly spoke up, "It would seem, my lord, that his lungs cannot handle the purity of the air and mana around us. We will have to find a method to filter his breathing and balance his four humors."

A sinister-looking priest who sat in a velvet chair seated in a dark corner spoke up soon after "Divine healing spells do not work on it, even those gifted by the Major Gods of Evil. Though increasing blood flow and the use of herbs or potions worked. Perhaps it is because this is a creation not made by the Gods that they forsake it. I also sense no soul from this husk of flesh, so I've no clue how it maintains it's intellect. Truly an abomination it is...".

Lord Archus quickly turned to the priest with a menacing glare, "Watch your tongue, High Priest Morbus, or I'll rip it out."

Milo sat there quietly without speaking much more because of the atmosphere as well the sense of his lifeforce depleting. The priest once more spoke, "No worries, I won't spread the word of your soulless abomination, but there are no real ways to fix his breathing problem internally, but I do have an external suggestion that may work.". His boney fingers rapidly taped the armrest as if luring a mouse into a trap.

"Speak, what methods do you have?" Lord Archus quickly replied.

"It's quite simple, do you know of the plague doctors who wear the beaked hook masks? There's a filtering system; we could pack it with aromatic healing herb that would counteract the damage done to this vile things' lungs and limit the amount of air it would breathe."

The vampiric child nodded his head towards a researcher who quickly left the room. "It's just a temporary fix, though; if we are to bring this being to the Elder council, we will need an in-depth analysis of its capabilities."

Soon the researcher returned with an entire set of Plague doctor clothing and a basket of herbs, placing it on the table beside the bed Milo was on. The researcher stuffed the beak with the sweet-smelling plants. Milo promptly snatched the mask from the man and placed it over his face.

"Oh..? Quite intelligent, this thing is. He seemed to have understood everything we've said." the priest Morbus said with an intrigued look.

Instantly, Milo felt relief as the air ceased to burn his lungs. "So much better..." Milo let out before saying, "Aye, I am smart."

Lord Archus quickly bombarded Milo with questions, "How are you able to speak so well? Did you retain your memories? You shouldn't have a soul, how can you remember? Was it the brain? What was your name?"

Milo really couldn't remember his previous brain's memories, but he did name his character Solus, so he answered back, "I don't remember anything besides my name...I'm Solus...". He needed to start referring to himself as such in-game.

"Hahahaha," a raspy laugh echoed from the priest Morbus "Soulless? You say! How befitting of such a creature."

Solus didn't opt to correct the older man but instead decided to take in his surroundings now that the pain had subsided. For some reason, his eyes did not burn as he gazed through the red lens within the mask. If anything, he could clearly see within the darkness now noticing the finer details of the older man sitting in the shadows. The priest Morbus was an older man whose blond hair was sprinkled with aging white. His back was hunched back, and clothing was white with red accented with gold trimming with a hat similar to that of a pope. Instead of alchemic runes, though, it seemed to have different symbolic runes. Both researchers within the room had their heads faced down at the ground, not daring to look the vampire or priest.

Lord Archus reigned in his excitement before saying, "You still need to recuperate from the ritual, so rest for now. When you've somewhat recovered, we will proceed to test your capabilities. Do not remove your mask or try to escape. There's only one exit, and it's highly guarded." before turning to the old priest, "Morbus, let's meet in my room to discuss our plans further." Soon everyone vacated the room, and Solus was left alone.

Solus had remembered that the time flowed differently from the real world, and if you logged out, your body would remain in-game as if you were sleeping. He rested his head upon his pillow and clearly said within his mind, "Log out," and his vision faded once more.