Cleaning Dinner

'Dinner? Has that much time already passed?' thought Milo. Recalling the light from the hallway with the curtains, he determined that it should be around late afternoon when he had passed through. As he was going through his evaluation, he had lost track of time.

"Ah, Mr. Solus. We have a bath running for you in your quarters. Please take a quick bath before you attend. No longer than ten minutes, please." stated Emelia as she noticed the stink that emanated from him after his workout.

One of the things that most people dislike being told is if they stink. The embarrassment that Milo felt left his cheeks burning as he stood there dumbly at the remark.

"Well, we don't have all night, Solus. Lord Archus doesn't like to be kept waiting, and worse yet, he disdains filth. So unless you plan on being dinner rather being served it, I suggest you quit standing there dumbly." said Professor Kolgorn as he followed Emelia, who had already gracefully left the room.

"Wait, that doesn't make sense. If he disdains filth and I'm dirty then why would he eat me?" said Milo as he quickly caught up to the two.

Emelia then stopped and turned to Milo with a mischievous grin that showcased her fangs "Who said it would be Lord Archus?" before she continued.

"Oh..." Milo said while flustered.

"Cleaning up messes and taking care of things is indeed miss Emelia's hobbies." chuckled the professor while Emelia slightly covered her mouth and giggled.

Milo wasn't sure if this was a comedy skit as he had the underlying feeling that they were being serious. None the less they proceeded through the extravagant mansion with little else said until he was led to his room. When he arrived another younger gentleman with a lithe figure in a butler's outfit who was holding a towel stood by his door without saying anything. He seemed to be around his mid-twenties with dark brown hair and pasty skin similar to Lord Archon and Emelia. When Milo had inclined his head towards the butler, he did not move or even speak as he stood as still as a statue.

Both the professor and Emelia left Milo at the door without saying anything more. Milo assumed that the butler was an attendant who would escort him to the dining hall after his quick wash up. Realizing that he wouldn't speak, Milo entered his room to see a steaming porcelain tub had been brought and laid in the center of the room. His clothes were folded neatly on a dresser with a set of herbs near a four-panel wood room divider that would give some privacy while bathing. He had briefly removed his mask to wash his face, which increased the damage he took that steadily chipped away at his lifeforce. He removed the herbs that were secured in his mask and replaced them with the ones laid near his clothes. Knowing that he had a time limit, Milo, while redonning his mask, removed his clothing and quickly scrubbed himself off in the hot bath. When he had finished, he dressed in the fresh set of clothing identical to his previous.

As he folded the four-panel room divider back what surprised him was the butler who stood there with his hands behind his back. Without a word, he bowed before leaving the room and stopping while making a gesture for Milo to follow.

'When the hell did he get in the room? Was he watching me bathe the whole time?' Milo fidgeted at the thought of some random man watching him bathe. Once Milo followed the no named butler out the room, they walked without speaking for the entire duration. The only thing that could be heard with Milo's loud footsteps that echoed throughout the halls.

After a few minutes, the butler stopped before two thick grand wooden doors that were finely decorated. With little effort, the silent butler opened the doors that were around twelve feet tall that led to the dining hall. When Milo stepped in he noticed a long dining table that had a plethora of food. Seated at the very end was Lord Archus who wore a deep scarlet gothic suit, his expression somewhat annoyed. While Emelia stood behind Lord Archus to his right waiting to attend to his every need. Professor Kolgorn was seated at a chair to the left of the Lord going through paperwork.

The chandelier candles flickered with enough light with the fireplace to reflect off the silverware causing the scene to appear somewhat dazzling.

Milo couldn't help but think why a vampire would need food, let alone eat with silver silverware. As he gradually approached a seat was briefly pulled out for him.

"Please, take a seat. Don't mind us and eat as I discuss your evaluation with Kolgorn." said the deceivingly young lord as he took a sip of blood that was within a wine glass.

Milo who was sat down at the table was quickly served food that was carved and placed on a plate before given to him. He observed the two talking for a moment before lifting his mask and eating the finely sliced duck that was decorated with rosemary. He reveled in the flavors of the duck which was cooked to perfection and couldn't help to feel amazement at the level of technology behind the virtual reality capsule. Soon enough his entire plate was cleared before he knew it and Lord Archus was staring at him.

'Besides this place giving me the heebie-jeebies, these people sure know how to make me feel awkward' thought Milo as he wiped his mouth with a towel and lowered his mask once more.

Lord Archus continued with his deadpan stare and said "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, Solus. Kolgorn has filled me in with his evaluation and I must say..."