The Past (2)

Chapter 2

Aside from humanity, beasts are also living across Terra. With its five kings ruling over five different territories.

The Scorpion King, the King of the Sands, its strength and poison made this king rule the desert.

The megalodon, known as the Shark King is the one of the strongest when it is fighting on the ocean. With its huge body, speed and big maw any creature will surely run from it.

The Lion King who appeared to be very ordinary, with its majestic golden mane, aside from its size, which is a bit bigger than an ordinary lion, and extreme speed one might mistake it for an ordinary lion.

Then there are these two mystical and mythical creatures. The Dragon and The Phoenix. Both possesses the power of fire, capable of burning the whole world. The Dragon looks like a very large lizard with wings, a long tail and large claws.

The Phoenix has only been seen twice after three millennia. First was when every being was made, second was when it appeared with the Dragon King along with five unknown beings when they sealed the Demon King in the underworld.

A large fiery bird was depicted in the annals of history. Both of these two creatures are rather aloof and arrogant. That's why nobody can confirm what they truly look like.


On a vast desert to the west of Asta, stood a 10-foot-tall humanoid Scorpion that exudes an aura of confidence, arrogance and might.

Currently, the humanoid scorpion was sweating profusely. The place where the right arm should've been, was ripped off of its shoulder. While its left pincer is currently holding onto the neck of a 12-foot muscular demon, with two horns sprouting on the side of its head, large wings, pitch black skin and red eyes.

Just the sight of it, one might collapse due to its wickedness and evil aura that surrounds it.

"Hmm… This should be a high ranking general, just a tad less powerful than the king of the underworld. If one general already cost me an arm, I wonder what two can do, three or four. Maybe I will get killed with just only two of them-"


An agonized scream sounded in the air, as a bloody dagger pierced through the heart of the mighty Scorpion King. With the tenacity of the mighty king, it then quickly turned around to see the assassin that just backstabbed him.

Another demon was what it saw. Only a bit smaller and slimmer than the now dead muscular demon.

"I should've known! Demons never work alone. However, I will still take you down with me!"

With a shout, the Scorpion King pounced onto its assailant. The demon was unmoved by the suddenness of the attack made by the Scorpion King. It just continued to smile at the king, as if it was mocking it. This further provoked the king. It then held the neck of the demon then asked,

"Are you not afraid of death? Demon?"

"Certainly not, I've already accomplished my mission. My partner is dead already, I no longer have anything to do in this world."

"Since you're going to die anyway, can you satisfy my curiosity?"

"Since you're going to die anyway, ask away! Hehehehe."

Hearing the reply of the demon, it irked the king. It tried to control its anger by snorting coldly at the demon in front of it.

"Okay then. How many generals are there in your army? How strong is your leader, your king?"

"That's an information that should not be leaked out. Oh well, since we're both gonna die anyways, I don't mind letting you know of our prowess.

First of all, there are countless generals in the underworld. My husband can be considered as one of the strongest general while my abilities are only subpar excluding assassination, that is.

As for our leader, the Demon King. Maybe with the combined powers of the Dragon and the Phoenix can subdue the Demon King momentarily. Unfortunately for you guys, the Dragon and the Phoenix cannot be in one place at the same time."

"So you know of this information already huh? Then thank you for satisfying, this old one's curiosity. Now you can go and die!"

Tightening its grip on the neck of the demon. A cracking sound of bones was heard.

"Ahhhhhh. With the appearance of the black hole sucking the worlds energy, imbalance was sure to follow. Two of the strongest being appearing at one place at the same time will result to spatial distortions, mini black holes and other natural disasters. This will further damage this Terra."

'I should've stayed underground; I lost my right arm, a bloody dagger is still pierced through my heart, I cannot even remove it. The others should have fared better than me, for I am the weakest amongst us kings. Fortunately, I gathered a very helpful intel about the strength of the underworld. With how the others do their work, they surely would not spare someone and gather some information. I should let the others know of this.'

The Scorpion King, with its battered body, walked towards the depths of the desert with two messenger pigeons.

On an ocean, far north of the City of Asta, a battle has just finished. Four corpses of a 10-foot demon are floating in the water as its black blood polluted the water's surface. A huge silhouette was retreating to the deep and dark waters.

The same thing can also be said on a vast expanse of wilderness to the south of Asta. Mangled corpses are strewn on the ground with blood all over it. There stood proudly a Lion with a golden mane which exudes a majestic aura.

'Hmph! These weaklings pose no threat to the beings of this world. The others should have fought their share of demons, though I'm afraid the Scorpion King succumbed to his death. With how lazy that guy is, we just lost a king. Hehehehe.'

As the Lion King stood unmoving, it saw a messenger pigeon flying to it.

"Hmmmm. Who might this be? The king of the humans already sent a letter an hour ago."

Opening the letter, the Lion King quietly read its content. Different emotions are expressed by the king with just a letter from the Scorpion King.

'So the little scorpion will die soon. Hmph! I must say, he can really gather information from those tight-lipped demon. It seems I have to execute the first part of the plan. Hehehe.'